Help choosing tangs


New member
I have a 180 gallon tank 1 year old. I wanted it well established before I added my tangs. I am getting ready to place my order and wanted to get opinions on compatibility. I am having the local store get them for me so they all come in at the same time.
Current fish are
-2 black and white ocellaris clown fish
-2 evans anthias
-magnificent fox face
-flame angel
-3 purple fire fish
-3 fire fish
-malinaris wrasse
-diamond goby
-blue damsel
-tail spot blenny
-lawnmower blenny

The lfs says I can add 5 tangs is that too many?
the ones I am looking at are
Powder Blue
Blue Hippo
Orange Shoulder
and debating between Blond Naso and Purple
What would be better the Naso or Purple?
will those work together? suggestions on others if they don't?
5 is on the high side. I might say 3, maybe 4 if you keep different genera and smaller species. From what I have heard, powder blues and Achilles will go toe to toe in anything that is not a very large system. I love my powder blue. Blue hippo, good choice if your tank is 6 feet and you quarantine all fish. Orange shoulder is a big tang for your tank. Purple would work better than blonde naso. I have both, I like the blonde naso better (best disposition of any tang I have ever owned, like a big puppy), and it’s always the first fish people comment on, however it is a big fish, even in my 8’ 300 gallon. Mine went from 3 inches to 8 inches plus 1.5 inch streamers in two years. I would definitely also get a yellow tang. Way prettier than purples IMO, just more common.

Good luck whatever you do!!
Blue hippo, orange shoulder and Naso are too big for your tank.
Fire fish do not live in group. I Aquarium they live single pr pair. The other will eventually jump out of the tank from chasing.
The orange shoulder will out grow the 180 for sure, same with a Naso. A powder blue and Achilles will not coincide in a 180g tank together and I would argue that a 180g is too small for a Achilles. You should get a purple, powder blue and a bristle tooth of some sort
I agree that Achilles, hippo, orange shoulder, and Naso are all too big and/or aggressive.

I love the purple and some sort of bristle (Ctenochaetus sp. like a kole) tang.

Powder blue is ok.

I would stick to 3 max. Including the foxface, you would have 4 large fishes.
I'm partial to the bristletooth sorts to like Yellow Eye / Kole. I am also eye balling the White Tail although it is a bit out of my price range. Two spot or Tomini tangs are also on my list. I avoid yellow, powder blue, and blues just because everybody has them. Same with the regal blues.
I agree that 3 is max. I have 4 in my 300 and will not consider adding another due to space concerns when they are larger.

I agree with DMorty's suggestions.