Help - Green Leather Coral's skin turns Purple!


New member
Hello everyone:

I bought a rock with the Toadstool Mushroom Leather Coral, Green on top of the live rock. The first day in my tank it opens nicely. However, it has not open for three days. I have added Plyto live feed and kent marine gluco's solution.

At first I notice it is shedding yellow muscus (read from RC) yesterday and today it outside skin is turning purple. In additon, my liverock is turning yellowish.

I have tested for 2 days, no ammonia, no nitrite, pH8.2 and nitrite is around 20.

Is there something wrong? Do I need to do anything.


75 gallons, jbj 48" 2 65wt and 2 65w actinic, 2 powerheads.
Hmm, can you post a picture? Leather corals often shed mucous layers, but you animal might be in trouble. You could check for the smell of decay, just to be safe.
No digital camera here can't post it soon enough. The green toadstool leather coral skin is turning purple not the muscus or anything like that. Almost the entire trunk (if I that make sense) of the toadstool is turning from green to purple.

I will check the calcium and alkalinity and see. Anymore suggestions, please let me know.
Well, my Sarcophyton looked purpleish from time to time when it didn't like the water conditions. You might be seeing allelopathy, or some other issue.

What are all the water parameters? What corals are in the tank? Do you have a skimmer? How about water changes?
How long has the tank been set up? What else is in it? Have you tested the water? What are the parameters?