Help, have a mucked up?


New member
sg 1.026
Ph 8.1
p04 0
nitrate and nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Calcium 420
alk 7 dkh
temp 25

Tank Running 9months

Up to several days ago all was going well with the exception of an outbust of flatworms and and issue with the dirty sandbed. Ive been lucky with a purchase of a sixline wrasse and mandarin fish and the flatworms have started to dissappear.
To tackle the sand i took advice from the lfs and purchased 2 bluecheek gobies which has kept the sandbed spotless. This leads onto the next and major issue. The water has gone cloudy and now all the rock and some of my coral is covered with what i think is the residue from the sand cleaning.
Do i need to take any action???? Or will it clean itself up.

Any advice will be much appreciated.
IMO, if you have decent circulation and filtration, it should clear on its own in time. If that's not satifactory, during your next water change, you could simply give your rock and corals a good blast with a turkey baster and siphon it away. I have a pleated micron filter that I temporarily turn on if I stir things up too much in my tank. HTH.
Thanks for replying, i have a percula 90 with added wave maker and pumps. Ill give it a few days and see what will happen.