Help, lighting question


New member
Does the total watts from both the MH and the VHO Actinic count towards the total watts per gallon for the tank?

I am going to buy lights and don't know if it is better to buy 20,000k MH bulbs which make the tank look better or get 10,000 k which are better for the corals. I also have 2 VHO Actinic tubes that I dont know the wattage of. Do the watts from the Actinic bulbs add to the watts from the MH to equal the total watts for the tank?

yes, they all add up. go with the 14k with 2 vho actinic and get good growth and color. i think you can tell the watts of the bulbs by how long they are. not sure though.
Add up the watts of all your bulbs to get your tank total. Tell us the length and brand of your VHO bulbs and we should be able to tell you the watts.

IMHO choose the bulbs which offer the color you like. Your coral growth and overall health come from the quality and stability of your water parameters. When I switched from Hamilton 14ks to 20k XMs I did not notice a change in growth or health of the corals.

Thanks for the replies. The bulbs are roughly 48 inches long but I cant find any markings on them. I am guessing that they are 110 watts each but could be wrong. I need lights for the tank with the vho and I have 2 pendants that need bulbs also. I think I should go with the 14K for the vho tank and 20K for the pendants.
Yes the 48" VHO are 110w each. Unless they are normal output 48" which would be 40w and I have seen 48" actinic @ 32w. I think that 14k plus the 20ks will be very blue. I run 110w actinic vho and 2x 175w ushio 10k, it seems to work for me, but everyone has thier own tastes.
