HELP!!! looking for live cuttlefish

Sorry to hear of your loss! I had the same thing happen my first set, used tap water to create my tank; big mistake. Did you us ro water? The water has to be 100% fre of copper. The water running though your waterline from the house will kill culltes on contact.
If you can you want to get your hands on some bandensis eggs. They have been available off and on for the last year in SF bay area.

The trick then is feeding the babies. Live food. Mysid shrimps are good but can be expensive. If you live near the ocean you should be able to pick up pods from under rocks.
Getting adult cuttles is pretty much a bad idea for all the reasons stated in this thread.

I am in the middle of writing an article about bandensis.

Sorry about the old links posted in this thread. I moved to a new site. will get you there (and is in the process of being updated), but you can hit the cuttle link on the boo boo pages from the links in this thread as well.
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i use ro/di, i had the cuttle for about 3 months, i think something got into the water, outside toxin
yes this cuttle was from octopets, it was in a 55g, i fed it ghost shrimp and somtimes a crab with its claws taken off
GlovesOfSteel said:
why are cuttlefish so expensive when people eat them?

cuz cooked ones dont tend to get any dead-er when transported, live cuttles are very sensitive to travelling stresses and none are found naturally in American waters
it was very tiny when i got it, i was planning on moving it to a 120g

as far as being skittish, mine was not, it would actually come over and watch me while i was at my computer