help me design/build a sump..

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8260422#post8260422 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
We can go this weekend if you would like Brett. I have all of the certs to work in the wood hobby shop. They have the blades we need as well.

everything we need to cut the plexi is in that shop. bring a cm tape measure, if all of your measurments are in CM.

will let me in without a cert? and this weekend is a no-go.. going fishing saturday, and gotta work sunday. :(
and yes, they will let you, you just cant touch any power tools. They let Lindsay work with me a few times before.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8260443#post8260443 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
and yes, they will let you, you just cant touch any power tools. They let Lindsay work with me a few times before.

how late they open on weekdays? might be able to take care of the cutting in an afternoon...
that could be an idea also. I think they are open until 7 or so. I usally leave "work" around 4- so I could go straight there and that would leave us with more than enough time to get everything cut.

get the acrylic, mark everything out, so that way all we have to do is walk in there and start hackin away.
Post the pictures Brett! :D

I resealed it all again, just got back from redoing the bracing for the top. Im about to put it on, and set back and stare at it for a few days.



hey know we couldnt find the center brace, I found it yesterday when I cleaned up the mess. It was inside the cardboard. I already put the other center brace on, so we shouldnt need it, but thought it was funny cause we were ****ed...

looks good though.
Looks good guys. I was wondering why Bret didn't call me lately to start building the thing...Now I know. Kinda fun to work with acrylic isn't it!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8302554#post8302554 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffb3t
Looks good guys. I was wondering why Bret didn't call me lately to start building the thing...Now I know. Kinda fun to work with acrylic isn't it!

Yea, me and Frank really wanted to try and build one of these ourselves.. definatly learned a lot from this. should be able to do a lot better next time. :p

now everyone pray this thing holds water.. lol going to test it tonight.
Acrylic is awsome to work with.

I recommend this to anyone who is about to be building sumps:

The wood hobby shop has awsome shop tools. Just about everything is there to do it all with (tool wise). The table saw is more than big enough to cut large sheets with, the blade isn't the best for the job though. I recommend getting a blade for the table saw that you can carry in there and put on yourself for the acrylic. 99% of the cuts can be made with the table saw. Glue, of course I have a little way of getting weld-on, we used weld-on 4, seemed to be awsome. The other thing that we had problems with was gluing everything together and what order to glue it all together so it is able to all be seamed. We tried to do a few fancy cuts with the router...I think we needed a smaller blade to do the fingers as we were tryin to do. I might pick one of those up just to have...but yeah. For the most part it went very well. We will see here in about 3 hours if the thing is going to hold water or not.

Brett needed this sump like last weekend, so were gonna attempt to speed up the process a little. Hopefully everything is good with it. (im very cofident with it, brett is holdin his breath) In the future I would like to assemble these things with time allotted for curing and "the proper" way to do this (time for assembly and time for curing)

I would be more than willing to help anyone out with building a sump at any time.

We just threw some water in it (filled it to the top) and -0- leaks.

Gonna let it sit for 24hrs and then it will be put to use (pending results of course)
Geat news then. Glad to hear it worked out. Hope it holds like it's supposed to. Did you use the pins method?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8303987#post8303987 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffb3t
Geat news then. Glad to hear it worked out. Hope it holds like it's supposed to. Did you use the pins method?

no.. used the Frank Bret and Chris and a sh-it ton of weld on. were going to leave it full untill tomorrow night then I'll bring it home. :)