One thing I have heard is by the time the corals show you they are upset, it is usually a few weeks past. In your case, that Alk spike is rearing its head now. I would bust out a water change for sure.
Looking back at my log and some pictures that would make sense. I've done a few 10% water changes so far this week and my LPS look better but I fear it may be too late for my SPS.
I'm starting to doubt it was the Alk swings and suspect that it was PO4 reduction and starting N0
0x dosing that caused this. My Alk doser looks like it was failing for some time but the largest recorded swing was around 1.2dkh/7days which shouldn't have been enough to do this kind of damage (unless it was very, very sudden. But the frequency of the dosing schedule should have prevented that).
PO4 however dropped from 0.14ppm to 0.037ppm/12 days. The drop was recorded on Sept 17th, just 3 days prior to when I lost an acro to RTN. And of course, keeping up with my GFO changes I changed my GFO on the 17th. Also changing brands from Aquaforest AP- to Rowaphos at this time(using a reduced amount).
Looking at my pictures from around September 17th, there were some burnt tips already appearing and some minor thinning flesh. But I wasn't concerned as it was minor and I had seen this resolve itself before. My PO4 continued to drop but didn't hit 0 on the Hanna ULR until a week after starting the N0
0x. Since I hit 0ppm P04 things have continued to go downhill at a steady pace.
Just for reference , for months prior to this P04 remained between 0.15-0.2ppm as my rocks were leaching accumulated P04. GFO was taken offline when I started dosing N0
0x and I've increased my feedings to get P04 detectable levels. Right now my N03 is at a steady 5ppm and my P04 is at 0.03ppm.
Should I stop dosing N0
0x or continue my elevated feeding (fish don't mind) and let things stabilize?
In regards to your white leds, what leds do you run and what do you have the white set to?
I don't suspect the LED's because they really one of the only thing in the system that hasn't changed. I'm running 2 Vertex Illuminas with the multicolour module on each. After doubting the lights could actually grow SPS, I got the settings off of another refeer who had pics of good growth.
Also focus on why you have high nitrates, over feeding, poor filtration, or such. This is important so you can work to prevent it from happening again.
This one was easy......vacation. I was successfully dosing NaN03 due to constant 0 readings and the person taking care of the tank managed to go from 0 to 80 within a week. Thankfully I didn't loose any fish. But came back to a lot of damage. Knew it was bad when I walked in the door and couldn't see the tank through the algae on the glass! Bought a couple more fish and now N03 is a little high but steady at 5ppm.
Just before this happened I was (gasp) actually witnessing daily growth on my SPS for the first time. Someone asked how my tank was and I remember saying "I never understood how people have to frag their SPS, but I think I understand." Never again will I tempt fate. LOL!
Really appreciate the help as this has been a little frustrating. :headwallblue: