i would like to get an rma and get another unit....when pluged in it doesnt turn any lights, by itself or pluged to the systems, the sytem doesnt see it, i have upgraded the firware, downgraded, reset it...you name....the rest of my system works fine...
i have left 6 messages and 2 emails.....and surf their support forums for hours...no replys ever...of anykind...this merchandise came doa...would like to get an rma and get another one....or a refund or store credit....or something that makes me feel like i got something out of my hardearned money...
i have no idea how could you get in touch with them on my behalf...to troubleshoot this...if they dont awnser any of my emails or phone calls...how could we do it when there is no direct comunication.
i am not going to cause any trouble here...if you can help do so....if not just say that you cant help me...at least that way i know what i can expect from premiumaquactics.
once again i am not looking for any trouble, or stir anything....if your awnser is no....just delete the tread....i wont post more on your forum...
Jose Cruz