Help with ID...


New member

I am 99% sure this is a Sarcophyton sp., but does anyone have a source to see if it is actually a Sarcophyton Ehrenbergii?

Any internet related sources?

I would really like to get more into identifing my species.
sarcophyton ehrenbergi is a good guess but i'd also guess s. flexuosum.

it seems to match pretty well imo to Verseveldt's (vague) description but i haven't yet seen Tixier-Durivault's 1966's description/drawing which he refers to though.

but i've found her descriptions show the coral in a more natural state (albeit only rough drawings) and closer to what we'd see with the living specimens than squashed and deformed preserved specimens that Verseveldt depends on. otoh, it being in french doesn't help me. :p

i'm also not 100% convinced of relying so heavily on spicule identification but that is what the professionals rely on (even in gross morphological differences).