Hi all
I'm not sure if im doing things right!
Right now I have a BIocube LED 32. Tank has been up and running for 3 months 26 days
The tank has inside
2 clownfish
1 Diamond watchman Goby
1 Peppermint Shrimp
4 Hermit Crabs
1 Xenia
1 Zoa
1 Hammer
1 Sun Coral
The only corals that are thriving are the Xenia and Zoa. as for the other three de GSP and Sun Coral opened up nicely the first few days on the tank, but then they dont open as much or nicely they used to, and the hammer only extends the polyps about 3mm.
So as I started checking my CA ALK MG parameters, they were very unbalanced MG 1480 CA 380 ALK 10, so my LFS toldme to ramp up the ALK and Ca. SO i did i dosed CA and ALK from red sea (I live in Costa Rica so BRS is not an option :headwally: )
I already managed to ramp up CA to 480 and ALK to 11.2.BUT the hammer and Sun Coral still not opening up, and GSP is getting a lil bit better The tank is consuming alk about 0.5 DKH per day.
I'm also dosing NOPOX and Coral Nutrition from red sea. Doing weekly water change of 5 gal with red sea coral pro salt.
What do you think of those parameters? should i keep dosing alk to maintaining it around 11.2 or just let it get down and get it stable with water change?
Any opinion/advices will be appreciated.
I'm not sure if im doing things right!
Right now I have a BIocube LED 32. Tank has been up and running for 3 months 26 days
The tank has inside
2 clownfish
1 Diamond watchman Goby
1 Peppermint Shrimp
4 Hermit Crabs
1 Xenia
1 Zoa
1 Hammer
1 Sun Coral
The only corals that are thriving are the Xenia and Zoa. as for the other three de GSP and Sun Coral opened up nicely the first few days on the tank, but then they dont open as much or nicely they used to, and the hammer only extends the polyps about 3mm.
So as I started checking my CA ALK MG parameters, they were very unbalanced MG 1480 CA 380 ALK 10, so my LFS toldme to ramp up the ALK and Ca. SO i did i dosed CA and ALK from red sea (I live in Costa Rica so BRS is not an option :headwally: )
I already managed to ramp up CA to 480 and ALK to 11.2.BUT the hammer and Sun Coral still not opening up, and GSP is getting a lil bit better The tank is consuming alk about 0.5 DKH per day.
I'm also dosing NOPOX and Coral Nutrition from red sea. Doing weekly water change of 5 gal with red sea coral pro salt.
What do you think of those parameters? should i keep dosing alk to maintaining it around 11.2 or just let it get down and get it stable with water change?
Any opinion/advices will be appreciated.