Here I come!!! Help Me, Please?

Two questions...

1. Have anyone had any experience with the "Southdown" sand from Home Depot? I read about it in a thread and I was wondering if I can get a second opinion.

2. My tank is going to be on the middle of three floors against an exterior wall. The home is two years old and I expect the system to weigh just shy of 3000 lbs. I am building the stand 73 x 37 inches to help disburse the weight. I was also thinking of using large "L" brackets to connect the stand to the wall and relieve a little stress on the floor. How does this sound?
You need to talk to an engineer. Being close to an outside wall is a plus, but that is a lot of weight. You're not going to use sand are you? :lol:
No need to on my account. :) I understand what you want to do. The real issue is what will happen during an earthquake. If the tank is tied to the wall, and the wall moves one way while the floor moves another, you could end up with a disaster.
I would be surprised if you could still get southdown from HD. They haven't made it for a while, so unless its been sitting on the shelf all these years. If you can't find it, you may want to check your local club...someone may have bought a bunch and can be holding on to it. Other than that, it's agrolite, so if you find it, you'll be fine.

I'd really try to support from underneath if you can. I can't see an L bracket being all that effective anyway.

And wow, talks of earthquakes make me happy to be in the east :p
I used to live in Los Angeles for a couple of years after college, long time ago, and it is pretty crazy when those wild fires rip through there or the earth starts shaking. I guess its the price you pay to have perfect weather 364 days a year. I think I saw it rain twice when I lived there.
It does suck skies, green grass, birds everywhere, whales, kayaking, boating, fishing, camping, mountain-biking, COFFEE, et al. I can't stand it, especially the birds. I remember when I lived in Beverly Hills, I had a fig tree in the yard and the birds would hang out in there and chirp, and I would think to myself, "Aaah, nature!" :lol: Here, I just want to kill them all. So annoying. I am telling you, I have had bald eagles perched in my trees sizing me up to see if I would make a good snack!

Damn whales and seals eat up all the fish. People disappear kayaking all the time, and don't get me started on boating accidents. And the blue skies hurt my eyes. :mad:
So what is your plan? I thought you would be better off with a pressure rated pump for a closed loop, but that Marlin will kick butt. Did you talk to the Penductor guys? Are you going to use them or just go with the pumps? Is the tank drilled ofr a closed loop already?
The Marlin is pressure rated... for the return. I thought I would put penductors on the returns while using the dart with the 3600 gph with little head presure for the closed loop. Yes the tank is drilled for a closed loop. It has the intake in the center back with 2 returns under the external overflows. I am thinking about installing a third return at the top rear of the tank next to the refugium.

Here's the pic of the closed loop.
The Marlin (for the return) is rated for 2120 @ 10ft head. If I put penductors on it... even if it doubles my head pressure, it's rated for 1655 @ 20 ft head. But, I will be running less thru the sump.

The Dart (for the CL) is rated for 2428 @ 7 ft head whch will give me around 600 gph thru outlets without penductors.