

New member
Glad to see NY folks in here. I'm new to salt water and hav started on my build. I'm making a custom stand but still have no tank, lol. I'm searching for a 75 or 90 gallon pre drilled and of course the sump/fuge. If there is a good online retailer, please let me know.

See you guys around!
Welcome... you've come to the right place!! Take your time and do things slow, there's lots of good reading info here. If usnsure about something post a question and people will chime in. However always use your best judgement and research 1st to make an informed decision. What may work for me, may not work for you... catch my drift.

As far as online retailers, check pets warehouse for starters(google).

GL on your new build/set-up!!
Welcome to our group of friends!