I agree, nice recovery!
Thanks Michael. Yep, when things go wrong or break it is never convenient, but I am glad that it did not happen when our grandkiddos were here. And I am liking a simpler system with just the display and a sump that doubles as a fuge.I agree, nice recovery!
I definitely will be happy to, Jesse!Same me a piece please. It seems to be difficult to find at times.
Me too Jesse. The Seahorse and it's owners will always have a special place in my heart and feel privileged to have worked there for 12 years.Funny, but I had a piece that lasted a few years in one of my earlier tanks. I'm pretty sure I got it at Seahorse. Man I miss that place!!!
Thanks Kevin for the condolences. Right now I am not going to get another midas blenny. I never like to introduce a single fish into a system that has as many established fish as my tank does. The tank is still quite active even without Charlie so I plan to leave things be for now.Wow, that stinks. I think that I've lost about 1/2 of my fish that way, despite covering the holes. I lost a few fish while doing tank maintenance. I didn't even know they jumped out. Others found their way out of the smallest holes. One of my female blennies was being harrassed so much by the males she jumped out. I found her on the lid, still alive, but her slime coat was all gone. I revived her and she even ate the next day, but a bacterial infection set in on her tail and really ate her away fast. I tried antibiotics to no avail. She was too far gone and would not eat.
Anyway, I'm sorry to hear the loss of Charlie. He was so cool. Are you going to get another midas blenny?
I would love more barnacle blennies and Barney is still doing well. They would do fine in the tank since my rock has so many nooks and crannies.Very good then! Is your barnacle blenny still alive? Maybe he could use some buddies?(not that I'm partial to blennies, or anything LOL)
That said, I looked on line for them because I'm thinking about my next build being for them and/or maybe bluespotted jawfish. But man, they're hard to find in stock and very expensive. I may go with a Caribbean version instead...
I would like to see that!!!I should clean the glass and take a pic.
Me tooI would like to see that!!!