High Nutrient Macro Algae/Sea Grass Reef

@Misled are those anemones from you?

@vlangel tank looks better and better every time you post. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks griss, this is actually the best looking tank I have ever had. I have had a nice seahorse tank that even won TOTM on nano-reef but it was not well suited for the ponies,(not high nutrient enough for the coral to flourish). This current tank is easily sustainable with reasonable maintenance. That seahorse tank needed insane maintenance to keep the ponies healthy.
Well we got home from a long weekend with the grandkids and the tank is fine. I do worry a bit but didn't need to.
I did give Ted at least one. Pretty sure it was around the time we were meeting for lunches because of the state of the club. That's really cool. Do you still talk to Ted?
I occasionally will check out Ted's tank on the other reef forum and sometimes catch up with him a little there. Other than that, I only see him at the 3RMAS frag swap. It's at Southpointe arena, (where the Pens used to practice) on April 1st. You should check it out if you are free.

So maybe my nem is a descendant of yours, who knows?
I have always loved featherduster! I have 9 but this is my favorite since it's color is different than the tan ones so often seen
So, how did you move the nems? They can discrete some stuff if exposed to air or just moved into a different flow patterm. I'll say something else in a minute. But with the macros you have, that should drop fairly quickly. I'd take ia reading in a day or two and see what you get. Every thing in the tank looks great. Next, show me your sump.

So on the nems. When and where did you get them? Just wanted to see if my legecy is still running around!!!
Jesse, sorry it took me so long to get this sump pic. Anyway, like I said, it's not beautiful, mostly it's just functional. It's a 30 gallon XH which leaves me some room for evaporation. I would like to get an ATO before we do our motorcycle road trip to Alaska this summer. I add water about every other day to keep the salinity from swinging too much.
Yesterday a friend who understands gyres came over and helped put in replacement parts for me. My gyre was making a lot of noise and the tank is in our living room which made it super annoying. Anyway, once the new parts were put in, the gyre was dead silent and it moved a lot more water. Now I am amazed at how great these are for moving water. This gyre only had a few months of service on it but because it always made noise, it spent the last 2 years sitting on a shelf in my basement fish room. The great thing is that now I understand how it works and can replace parts myself. I am absolutely thrilled with it. I will post a 20 second video showing the flow set on gyre at 20%. Watch the tomini tang get swept toward the front glass, showing there is some muscle there.
I puttied some of my loose coral down in permanent spots. That helps me know just how much room and where I still have room for coral.

I would like to try and grow GSP on the overflow box. I think I would like to add 1 or 2 NPS gorgonians in the shadows of the right side, and maybe a sun coral too. Toward the right front corner is the rock with the red shelf like macro but maybe a hammer frag could look good there.

On the left side is a rock that looks like a petrified clam shell. It has a gorg frag on it but a pretty paly frag might be nice as well. My tank seems to have the right conditions for palys. So this is some of my future plans.
I puttied some of my loose coral down in permanent spots. That helps me know just how much room and where I still have room for coral.

I would like to try and grow GSP on the overflow box. I think I would like to add 1 or 2 NPS gorgonians in the shadows of the right side, and maybe a sun coral too. Toward the right front corner is the rock with the red shelf like macro but maybe a hammer frag could look good there.

On the left side is a rock that looks like a petrified clam shell. It has a gorg frag on it but a pretty paly frag might be nice as well. My tank seems to have the right conditions for palys. So this is some of my future plans.
Go Dawn, go😃
Your tank always amazes me. Sorry to hear about the firefish loss, but good to hear Barney is OK and back in the tank. I watched your latest video on your YT channel but didn't see him, but probably just that I'm not very observant LOL.
Careful with those palys my dear!!!
I hear ya Vinny! The brown/green palys on the right side of the tank are wanting to spread all over. I aggressively pull them out, (from the places that I do not want them) which I have read is quite risky given the toxins that are in them. At least I use tweezers now instead of my bare hands, and I have them under control enough that I only need to pull a few at a time now.

I have some very pretty yellow ones and some very pretty purple ones that seem less aggressive.
Your tank always amazes me. Sorry to hear about the firefish loss, but good to hear Barney is OK and back in the tank. I watched your latest video on your YT channel but didn't see him, but probably just that I'm not very observant LOL.
Thanks Kevin. I guess we are even because your tank also amazes me!

Yes, it was tough losing the firefish. I think that if the two had been together that would have made a difference but when the one jumped in the very first hour of being in the tank, (through a crack in the netted top) the other one was too anxious and insecure to ever find its place, even with noone harrassing it. Just this week I had new glass tops made for the tank so it is much less likely of a jumper finding its way out. I do still have a small area across the entire back of netting top since the overflow box makes having that portion covered by glass impossible.

Barney is in the video but he's in the coco worm tube, (with just his face peeking out) which is in deep shadows so he is very hard to see.
I found him! Wow, Barney was hard to see! I love the dynamic between your tang and angelfish, they bring such life and personality, great fish. What's the macro that the tang was munching on in the beginning? That's really interesting.

Thanks for the compliment of my tank, much appreciated. It's maturing well, so far so good. I have a couple minor things to deal with, but that goes with fishkeeping in general. I hope to collect some new species this summer...we will see ;)
I found him! Wow, Barney was hard to see! I love the dynamic between your tang and angelfish, they bring such life and personality, great fish. What's the macro that the tang was munching on in the beginning? That's really interesting.

Thanks for the compliment of my tank, much appreciated. It's maturing well, so far so good. I have a couple minor things to deal with, but that goes with fishkeeping in general. I hope to collect some new species this summer...we will see ;)
Tommy is picking at cheato (which I know most folks would never put loose in their reef. I wasn't sure how intact it would stay with the gyre's flow but I had used it loose in one of my seahorse tanks years ago). It is working pretty well in the display, adding some nice green color along with texture.

I would love to see another video of your tank when you have time. How are your macroalgae doing? Any spawning happening among the fishes? That will be fun collecting new species of fish. Summer will be here before we know it. Is there risk of aggression by the current inhabitants? For me, that is the most stressful part of adding new fish.
Yesterday I put a new glass top on my display. It's a much cleaner look than the diy net top and it will help cut down on evaporation.

Today I installed another upgrade to deal with the evaporation that my aquarium system experienced,,, a float ATO. Since the furnace came on this fall, and especially now in the dead of winter when the furnace runs a lot, I have been dumping 2 gallons of water into the aquarium every other day to deal with evaporation. Fortunately my softie coral/macroalgae are pretty resilient about salinity but I knew it was not ideal. And then there is our big motorcycle road trip to Alaska coming up this summer, where we will be gone for at least 3 weeks. I did not want to overly burden my sister with tank care so it was past time to address the evaporation issue.

I had tried smart ATOs in the past and the sensors were never reliable. My very first ATO was a float type and it worked well so that is what I am using now. I should have a good idea by summer if this ATO is reliable. I never like to install anything brand new before an out of town trip as Murphy's Law often seems to happen. Anyway, it's working perfectly now at installation.
I would love to see another video of your tank when you have time. How are your macroalgae doing? Any spawning happening among the fishes? That will be fun collecting new species of fish. Summer will be here before we know it. Is there risk of aggression by the current inhabitants? For me, that is the most stressful part of adding new fish.
Yeah, the tank looks great and I need to do another video update. I've been lazy LOL, plus, a lot of family health issues going on that aren't pleasant to deal with, so that's taken up a lot of my free time, but more, a lot of my energy, so when I have free time, I don't want to do anything.

Gracilaria is the chief macro now, and it's growing like crazy. I have another one, a green algae, maybe a type of hair algae but it grows a lot and very long and fast. And my sump has a ton of it now. I don't mind it because it looks pretty cool until there gets to be too much, and it's a nice color. I guess that it could be a macro. I haven't identified it yet. I'll get some close up pics of it. Anyway, the net result is that all of my cyano is gone, and algae doesn't grow much on the display tank glass, hardly at all unless I increase my photo period. Right now, my tank light is on 6 hours, and my sump/fuge light is on opposing 8 hours.

As far as aggression goes, I had a medium sized adult female blenny in my sump, and last week, moved her to the display. At first, all of the blennies picked on her for a day or two, now it's the normal pecking order and she's fine. Most of the aggression comes from the male blennies as they either chase the females out of their territory or try to court them in. This is normal behavior. The female to female aggression is minimal. I'd love to catch the other species of blenny this summer that lives in the Bay, called a feather blenny. I wouldn't mind a male/female pair. I'd also like to catch a small flounder like fish called a hogchoker, and another fish that I'd love to catch is a spotfin butterflyfish, a tropical stray that shows up in late summer every year. Also, there is a gorgonian type of coral, I think non-photosynthetic that lives in the Lower Bay, and I got a tip that it shows up in the summer along the beach, often alive, and I'd like to get more tunicates. I had a bunch when I started all of this, but haven't collected any since then. They don't live very long, but if I get the sea whip, then I will be feeding more often. It's all fun.

I saw some spawning activity, but some when my tank was warmer this past fall, mainly because the tank is much bigger and there are so many hiding places that the fish can do their thing without me seeing them. However, in December, I found a single baby mummichog killifish in my sump, so, I guess when my fish spawn, most of the babies become fish food for all of the hungry mouths! I moved the baby fish to my fuge and it's doing great, about an inch long now. Once it gets big enough, then it goes into my big tank. It's pretty cool. I had the same thing happen in my river tank, fish spawned and I had 9 babies, three are left that are big enough to not be food, which is pretty cool. I should have moved the 9 out, but at the time, I had no room for them.

BTW, at first I had my doubts about your seahorse ornament, but, now life is overtaking it, and it reminds me of Atlantis, and it's very cool looking. Very nice addition!
Yeah, the tank looks great and I need to do another video update. I've been lazy LOL, plus, a lot of family health issues going on that aren't pleasant to deal with, so that's taken up a lot of my free time, but more, a lot of my energy, so when I have free time, I don't want to do anything.

Gracilaria is the chief macro now, and it's growing like crazy. I have another one, a green algae, maybe a type of hair algae but it grows a lot and very long and fast. And my sump has a ton of it now. I don't mind it because it looks pretty cool until there gets to be too much, and it's a nice color. I guess that it could be a macro. I haven't identified it yet. I'll get some close up pics of it. Anyway, the net result is that all of my cyano is gone, and algae doesn't grow much on the display tank glass, hardly at all unless I increase my photo period. Right now, my tank light is on 6 hours, and my sump/fuge light is on opposing 8 hours.

As far as aggression goes, I had a medium sized adult female blenny in my sump, and last week, moved her to the display. At first, all of the blennies picked on her for a day or two, now it's the normal pecking order and she's fine. Most of the aggression comes from the male blennies as they either chase the females out of their territory or try to court them in. This is normal behavior. The female to female aggression is minimal. I'd love to catch the other species of blenny this summer that lives in the Bay, called a feather blenny. I wouldn't mind a male/female pair. I'd also like to catch a small flounder like fish called a hogchoker, and another fish that I'd love to catch is a spotfin butterflyfish, a tropical stray that shows up in late summer every year. Also, there is a gorgonian type of coral, I think non-photosynthetic that lives in the Lower Bay, and I got a tip that it shows up in the summer along the beach, often alive, and I'd like to get more tunicates. I had a bunch when I started all of this, but haven't collected any since then. They don't live very long, but if I get the sea whip, then I will be feeding more often. It's all fun.

I saw some spawning activity, but some when my tank was warmer this past fall, mainly because the tank is much bigger and there are so many hiding places that the fish can do their thing without me seeing them. However, in December, I found a single baby mummichog killifish in my sump, so, I guess when my fish spawn, most of the babies become fish food for all of the hungry mouths! I moved the baby fish to my fuge and it's doing great, about an inch long now. Once it gets big enough, then it goes into my big tank. It's pretty cool. I had the same thing happen in my river tank, fish spawned and I had 9 babies, three are left that are big enough to not be food, which is pretty cool. I should have moved the 9 out, but at the time, I had no room for them.

BTW, at first I had my doubts about your seahorse ornament, but, now life is overtaking it, and it reminds me of Atlantis, and it's very cool looking. Very nice addition!
Thanks Kevin for taking the time to answer all my questions. Although I would love to see a video sooner, rather than later, family should always come first! Take your time with that video and do what you need to do regarding family health.

The tank sounds like a lot of fun to watch all the antics of the different inhabitants and I bet the macroalgae adds some nice texture and color. Those sound like neat additions if you can collect those fish this summer.

I really appreciate the input on the seahorse ornament. It was a bit of a sore thumb when I first added it as it detracted from the naturalness of the tank and looked out of place. Now it is beginning to look like the vision that I had in my mind's eye for it. Hopefully it will just keep getting better as stuff grows on and around it.
Getting to my weekly water change/maintenance routine a little later this week than usual but I am seeing excellent polyp extension. The new purple plume gorgs, (even the one that I cut the top off because of shipping stress is in full out polyp extension) and that is so nice to see. I do not know if the gyre is the reason now that the coral have adjusted or perhaps the ATO, or maybe the combination of the 2 improvements. As far as the salinity, I think it was always within .023 and .024. I try to keep it near NSW. I told a friend that my tank at the moment is in a sweet spot! It's great, I hope it lasts, LOL!
Getting to my weekly water change/maintenance routine a little later this week than usual but I am seeing excellent polyp extension. The new purple plume gorgs, (even the one that I cut the top off because of shipping stress is in full out polyp extension) and that is so nice to see. I do not know if the gyre is the reason now that the coral have adjusted or perhaps the ATO, or maybe the combination of the 2 improvements. As far as the salinity, I think it was always within .023 and .024. I try to keep it near NSW. I told a friend that my tank at the moment is in a sweet spot! It's great, I hope it lasts, LOL!
Ummm, pics?😉