Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

Few Updates: [Black Cap Out] [Added DIY LED with Lower PhotoPeriod MH]

So the Black Capped Basslet has come out of hiding in New Tank Intro in Record Time (1.5 days).


I also move that DIY LED Fixture made from Steve's LED's and my Busted MH Ballast housing. (into DT).
I placed LED Unit between the MH Bulbs for nice Filler Lighting.

I used the LED's that Steve's sell for SPS Extreme combo (Cool Blue, Royal Blue, and Warm White, *** NO RED ***).


This Photo is with NO MH lights, Just the Mini LED fixture and 1 LED 5050 Strip. (Nice Colors on some not so healthy corals, which are recovering from my MH lighting BURN)


I did peek at the Skimmers. The are kind of running similar. More Photo's compares later.
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DB8i Skimmer Compare (Day 3)

Here is the result of the DB8i Skimmer comparison. (After 3 days WET skimming)


So the DB8I does perform better, but I'll admin the Euro does keep up.

For me the DB8I is better since it does have larger capacity for going away a week, and it doesn't seize up like my Euro did due to impeller calcification.
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NEW Purple Gorgonian (Sea Fan), for my Corner Garden (Kitchen NON SPS Tank).

I was a LFS store looking around and came across a spectacular purple Gorgonian Sea Fan. I've Never seen one so colorful, or this purple.

Price was reasonable ($25) so I got it for my Kitchen (Mixed) Tank. Cut it into two pieces.


(It' more purple the it shows in photo above. Hard to See in Photo so Look for RED Arrows). In Person looks spectacular, swaying!!

I already had a TAN Gorgonian which I like, so this purple adds color and depth to my little corner garden.
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In Sump ATS (Take 2) Adjustments

So after the Slime Growth Phase the ATS starting growing Green Algae which was the goal.


However what I learned is that Upflow Algae Scrubbers have screen surround by water (inside the whole chamber) thus all surfaces are game for Algae growth.

It was difficult to clean, and I had to stop the Sump flow to prevent any loose green algae going downsteam into the sump.

Originally I did plan on having the ATS black acrylic box removable, but I silicone it in for sturdiness.

So new Protype adjustment is I built a removable chamber and even better made it out of rough growth screen.

Pictures Below explain things:



We'll see how the next run does with this adjustment.
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(LARGE) BLUE STRIPPED GRUNT (New Fish for Algae Scrubber Sump): Fuel for Scrubber

I was at my LFS looking for a replacement fish (Black Cap Basslet now in DT) to keep the sump full of processed nutrients.

- To run the ATS as I finish it's testing.
- Also great chance do comparisons of the two Skimmers (Euro Reef vs RLSS DB8i)

Was thinking some cheap hardy damsels, but not so cheap for a few.

They had a Good Sized Blue Stripped Grunt, that has been at store for years. Cheap ($20), Eats like crazy and when I'm done they will buy him back at discount .

Eats pellets which is great since I have Jars of pellets, since my fish just won't touch the stuff.

Will be setting up with a auto feeding and will be throwing in my Mean Aggressive MONSTER hermit crab for company.

More pictures coming soon of the real fish and setup.

Here is a preview of what's coming.

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The Real (Blue Stripped Grunt) in ATS Sump Setup

Here he is in the Current Setup.

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ATS Sump Update (DB8i Skimmer Add Test, Heavy Load)

So I keep thinking my SPS Tank load is too light (that is why skimmers are not skimming that much). Going to prove that theory....

The Algae Scrubber Sump is going strong. With Massive Feeding of Grunt Fish, the ATS is growing Green Algae like crazy. (Past the Slime Stage now).

The water is so filthy I did a water change and it was pretty dark yellow.

I'm placing the DB8i into the ATS Sump, and see how it will perform. It should have plenty of crap :) to chew on. (Unless the ATS is doing better).

I'll eventually turn off ATS and see what DB8i does by itself.

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Exactly! They get biiiig

Perfect (He is rented and going back to LFS eventually). Treating him well for now.

But I did read they are edible and tasty, even found recipes. I told the kids, but NO WAY, none of us could possibly eat our pet :)

Big mean Big eater. Which is just what I need to test Sump, Algae Scrubber, ....

And the DB8i (which really is doing some heavy work)

Just after 8 hours. (Below)

This makes me wonder if my SPS tank is not being fed enough, since I never get this kind of action in that Tank. But maybe this sump has a lot of accumulated waste, and has some catch up to do on skimming.

Well see in a few days.

BTW. Going to Turk and Caicos this Sunday for a week. Can't wait. Hear the beach, snorkeling in diving is amazing. Grace bay is crystal clear and always calm.
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Algae Scrubber Working Great (Wow!!)

So I thought I'd clean the Scrubber before I go on Vacation Sunday.
I didn't want any plug ups while away.

Pictures Below explain it all....


Here is the basket. Not sure if I really need it. But will run it one more batch, then without and compare.

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Enjoy the trip. It's absolutely beautiful there.

You are absolutely correct. 2nd last day down here in Turks and Caicos.
Have been snorkelling in "Coral Gardens" National park on a reef where it is walk in from the shore.
Amazing!! Simply the best I have ever seen, even better than deep dives I've done in Cozumel.
Gorgeous perfect condition purple sea fans and tons of fish varieties in a mature prestine reef, and the water crystal clear.
Custom Sump Passes test (with EuroReef DB8i Skimmer), Time for DOUBLE Sump Swap

So I'm back from Turks and the Sump ran for a week with the Blue Strip Grunt on an AutoFeeder.

The sump passed the test.

- Algae Scrubber works great.
- The QT/Refugium is functional (I notice the sandbed is loaded with Brittle worms, which the Grunt is eating).

- And the flow dynamics through the sump has proven effective for the Skimmer placement.

Here is proof the RLSS DB8i is running well. My EuroReef on my DT didn't even come close.


So it's time to put this sump on my tank (with confidence).

It will be a double sump swap since the location of the sumps will be improved.

I actually drilled a new hole in the Kitchen floor and ran a new 1 1/2" tube for better flow, since I'm replacing my Mag 18, with the RLSS DC 12000 return pump (that has been running my prototype sump).

Plenty to prepare for the swap (lowering the sump stand), and while doing this will rebuild my Failing SPS tank (saving whatever frag I can preserve).

Stay tuned.
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So after months of design, build and testing, the Sump is installed.

The final confirming piece of confidence was that the next Algae Scrubber Harvest was much better. (Screen matured and Algae nice and easy to clean)


Here is the Sump as installed and running.

Both my sumps were swapped for location and better hose runs.
This sump was lowered and placed on Foam pad, so runs as quiet as the Rubbermaid (Noise was my greatest Concerned going back to a hard Glass Sump)


If you want to see it running, here is a YOU TUBE Video.


The fish has been returned to store.
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