Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

Nice fish room!



That (Sump room) was another project a couple of years ago.





Now with new DOUBLE Sump Swaps (Upstairs Kitchen Tank, Basement Tank), going to work on tidying up the wiring and controls, etc.... (things got messy with all the playing/adjustments)

The wiring and plumbing conduits are there, just need to tidy runs, and re-labelling of cables, outlets.
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Nice. I see you like lids on your sumps and stuff.

Do you find they accumulate water drips, and capture heat?

I have the material to make a lif for the sump, but not sure yet.

What is the big black bin for (extra water to increase capacity of the system)?

I assume the green bin is your Fresh Water Reservoir top up water.

I see you are tumbling cheato. Looks Nice in a hay Bayle shape .
COWRIE Snail & Monster Hermit (Old Sump Custodians)

So when the silt settled in the old sump I found my COWRIE snail and that Super Large (mean) Hermit.

So I threw them into the NEW SUMP refuge (with a few pellets and some Seaweed).

In the morning the Hermit attacked the Cowrie. I was worried he killed him. Had to rip off his claw it was so deep into the Cowrie Snail's shell (and stuck inside).

However when I place the Cowrie in another section he came out ok.

It got me thinking I don't want to pollute the new Refuge, and how to feed the Cowrie.

Then I got an IDEA. I place the COWRIE into the Algae Scrubber section.

Pretty sure he will be in heaven there with all the Algae to eat. Can't get hurt or plug anything.

I think it's time to return the Hermit to a LFS for a few blue hermit crabs, or something to sift the Refuge Sand Bed.
Good idea for the cowrie, he will be in heaven.
Funny, I just mentioned this elsewhere but many months ago, Reefvet pointed out that feeding nori to fish will produce some aspartic acid as they digest and 'release' the algae waste back into the water..
In a way, the algae is recycled and gives some nourishment back to the corals. I wonder if cowrie algae poo also has benefits for the corals..
Good idea for the cowrie, he will be in heaven.
Funny, I just mentioned this elsewhere but many months ago, Reefvet pointed out that feeding nori to fish will produce some aspartic acid as they digest and 'release' the algae waste back into the water..
In a way, the algae is recycled and gives some nourishment back to the corals. I wonder if cowrie algae poo also has benefits for the corals..

We'll see if his poo is good for corals.

I'm curious to see if he will eat (show a path along the screen).

Also if he does eat, he should grow pretty well.

So things were getting bad after that Last MH light Burn, or was it something else (Don't know). Even my Bird of Paradise Coral was dying (it survived all my bad journeys over last while)

So this weekend was the last of my 2016 Vacation, and it was last opportunity for a rebuild. Couldn't start work in my office looking at the tank degrade anymore.

Also, since the sump is new, I didn't want it contaminated with Hair Algae, and the Brown Algae/Cyano that appeared to be starting on the dying corals.

He is how bad the tank was getting
- Bleaching everywhere except bottom corals (which I think didn't get burned due to depth)
- Where corals were dying, cyano & algae was growing. It wouldn't get better I'm sure.

THERE WAS NO HOPE BUT TO FRAG the corals and see what I could salvage.


It was a full days work, but I had enough old water (I kept from last 2+ water changes) to clean things up.


First I removed/cleaned All rocks (Stripped bad Corals) and cleaned tank, Sandbed and all equipment.

This is a cool shot to show all the fish I have (Can't see the Fire Goby).


I fragged all good coral pieces and put them into the Refuge Section of Sump..
Will put my LED light over them and Only Good FRAGS go back into tank.



HERE IS THE NEW TANK. (Still clearing up)


Really hoping my new journey is better this time.


- Used up my AquaForest Probotic salt(30 Gals for Sump/Top up)
- Going forward with Regular Aquarforest Reef Salt and NP Pro.
- Two part A/B dosing now on kitchen Tank (never had Auto dosing before. Manual adjustments)
- Going to covert the TopUp Module into a 3 Part Doser (Aqua Forest 3 Part)
- No more GFO reactor (Algae Scrubber should handle PO4)
- NO MORE Additives/CoralFeeding [zip,zero,zitch]!!!!! (GOING PURE WATER CHANGES with Aqua Forest 3-Part Dosing)
- Coral Food will be Fish Poo, Cowrie Poo, Copepods, (Might add one more fish down the road).

The kitchen tank is doing amazing and I hope I can get this tank the same.


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SO COOL!! (New Sump make BOTH TANKS 100Gal Water Volume) GAME CHANGER!!

I didn't actually plan this when I designed the new sump.

I actually was just working with the 50 Gal old Glass Tank I had.

I realized this tonight when I was doing all my parameter tests, to start a new Auto dosing setup for both tanks.

With the NEW 35 Gal Sump on the 65 Gal Basement tank


the 10 Gal Sump on the 90 Gal Kitchen tank.

This makes both my tanks 100 Gal TOTAL Water Volume.

Makes my chem adjustments so much easier when using dosing calculators.

Really cool. Really happy :) with this unexpected result.
New Sump (Top Up Sensor) DC Waveline (Issue Solved)

So I just solved a small issue with the new sump.

Since the return area is small (compared to my old Rubbermaid Tub), the water level would vary as the DC Waveline Variable Speed Pump changed speeds.

You can see the min and max levels in the return section below.


The problem that was happening is when the level dropped the Tunze Topup would fill up the section, and then when DC waveline slowed down, it would rise and cause my Over Top up Switch to go into Alarm mode. (and beep).


- I put my Tunze osmolator Top on a timer so that it only turns on during Max Level by synchronizing the Top Up with the DC wavline at low speed.


Yes, the water level in the return still varies, but only been Min and Max, which is fine.

I ALSO TESTED THE SUMP (RESERVE CAPACITY) to handle a Total Tank Drain during a Power Failure.
- Perfect. Doesn't flood the Refuge section, and the sump has room to spare).
- Will be ideal for 10-20% water changes, right from the Sump.

BTW. The tank is nicely clearing up.

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Good idea for the cowrie, he will be in heaven.
Funny, I just mentioned this elsewhere but many months ago, Reefvet pointed out that feeding nori to fish will produce some aspartic acid as they digest and 'release' the algae waste back into the water..
In a way, the algae is recycled and gives some nourishment back to the corals. I wonder if cowrie algae poo also has benefits for the corals..

I took a peek into the Algae Scrubber Section.

I was shocked on how much Algae has grown in just a few days.

And, Yup, that Cowrie is in there eating (at a All you can eat Buffet :) )....


Tomorrow, I'm going to do my first PO4 / NO3 test. Should be interesting. No GFO running too.
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Next Project (PH Increase via Kalk Reactor MOD)

So the Sump is doing great. Tank get getting more pristine and clear each day.

Waiting for the frags to start showing recovery.

To continue the improvement, I'm going to tackle my Low PH. I can't get even close to 8.0. In both tanks.

Here is my PH current range in my Kitchen Tank. Basement tank is almost the same.


I've tried opening my basement window for more oxygen. Doesn't help.
I could run a fresh air line to my skimmer, which I read helps.

However I got an idea from one of the TOTM posts. Dosing Kalk as a top up to Under Dosing..
Not dosing Kalk traditionally by using evaoporation and top up kalk water (which I did before).

That is risky since I've had overdose accidents in the past. Plus I had too high PH issues as well.

I already have this DIY build (Passthru) Kalk reactor sitting in storage.

What I going to do is dose from it (and still keep the Stir concept), taking the clear Kalk solution from the top.
It still will be Kalk solution sealed from air to keep it's value.

I may cut the reactor down, since I worry about level a siphon drain into the lower sumps.
It will be very small doses, done frequently, so a shorter reactor won't be an issue if I stir in-frequently.

I'm already in the final stages of programming my DIY doser.

So adding a pump or two is just wiring.

I'll still be doing my 3 Part AquaForest Dosing (Which I haven't started yet), but I'll under dose ALK/CALC, and top it up with KALK (which is Balanced A/B).

This should bring up my PH, and I'll be able to tune dosing between 3 part and Kalk to find a sweet spot for Ideal and Stable PH.

Yes, PH increase will be done gradually, and carefully monitored. Plus my Apex PH probes will be in place to program in fail safes.
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I took a peek into the Algae Scrubber Section.

I was shocked on how much Algae has grown in just a few days.

And, Yup, that Cowrie is in there eating (at a All you can eat Buffet :) )....


Tomorrow, I'm going to do my first PO4 / NO3 test. Should be interesting. No GFO running too.

So, how were your n and p numbers?

Following the kalk plans. I'd like to start dosing kalk myself. Just too lazy to sit down and get the doser out and find a place for it and mix the kalk and program the doser...
Which, on is thread, I know makes me look like a total lazy arse, good for nuthin'!
So, how were your n and p numbers?

Following the kalk plans. I'd like to start dosing kalk myself. Just too lazy to sit down and get the doser out and find a place for it and mix the kalk and program the doser...
Which, on is thread, I know makes me look like a total lazy arse, good for nuthin'!

Hah!! I've been too lazy (or Busy with kids back to school this week) to get around to N & P tests. Maybe a full test of all this weekend.
Yes, I am curious on N&P with Mega Algae Scrubber running (and no GFO).

Btw. The Kalk reactor (my broInLaw) built is for the lazy side of me. It's does the stirring automatically on a timer. (You do have to be careful with Kalk Dust. Don't breathe in since it's caustic). Air Sealed mixture which is important (since Kalk loses value if exposed to air). I can dump a 1/2 Jar of Kalk and leave it for dosing for weeks (depending on Tank load).


But as I mentioned, I'll be modifying my reactor, to use a Kalk Top up (along side 3 part dosing).

Stay tuned for the Tank Water tests.
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Kalk Reactor II : Parts for Mod (No Passthru) DoseUp [Design]

So I dug around my spare parts. And I have everything to build the Modified Kalk Reactor.

Again, my garbage picking obsession/skills paid off.

That Orange/Clear Acrylic Stick, I got from a Garbage Bin from a LFS that was moving and they were dumping stuff. You'll see what it will be used for.


Reactor is cleaned up (Vinegar does wonders on calcification).

I had to re-silicone the stir pump since seals were leaking.

My idea will work perfectly with the Universal Ardiuno Doser Controller I'm finishing up. This reactor will be able to Kalk dose both my tanks.

I think I'll be able to get away without shortening the reactor.
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The kitchen tank is doing amazing and I hope I can get this tank the same.



OMG, is that a huge monti setosa, top center? If so, that is the biggest colony of that coral that I've ever seen.
OMG, is that a huge monti setosa, top center? If so, that is the biggest colony of that coral that I've ever seen.
Wouldn't that be cool. Unfortunately it just a Finger Leather that is doing very well. For over a year it wouldn't polyp, and then when I added the Kessil it woke up and starting growing/polyping like crazy. (It looks orangy/Pinky from the Purple Plus T5 accent Bulb).

Sorry. No SPS in this tank. Other tank is SPS only. Don't like to mix at this point.
FIRST "IN Sump" Algae Scrubber Harvest (WOW!!!)

Picture says it all.


And, I'm not feeding fish that much (in weight), so what is feeding the Algae?

PO4 and NO3 TESTS coming tonight.
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NO3 and PO4 Tests

Nothing out of the ordinary, but good for no GFO running. NO3=10+ , PO4=0.014 ppm


I guess the overall good news is I could feed the fish as much as I want. Also could consider adding another fish.

The algae scrubber should be keeping Nutrients in check.
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