HIppo Tang- Came back from the dead??


New member
I moved my 75 reef into a new 90 gallon. Did the move over two days. Everything was finally set up yesterday and looked great (just moved the fish over to the new tank a few hours before).

When we came home last night, my 5 year old hippo tang was laying on the bottom of the tank (on the sand). She was breathing but I could pick her up with my hand.

My wife would not let me take her out and insisted I wait. Reluctanly I did this and this AM she seems to be swimming again between the rocks?????? She is not totally coming out but is upright and swimming????

Anyone heard of this before????


Mine did it several times...Same thing, fading colors, laying on bottom or rocks; I even took mine out and put it in a cup, thinking that was it. After about 5 mins, dadburn thing was swimming around in the cup!

I say don't worry about it. How long have you had it? Mine's over a year old now, and the picture of health.
This is common with Hippo tangs. They will do this when they're stress out, probably from the move, and they look like they're dead but will start to swim in a day or two. Watch out for a breakout of Ich as they're ich magnets and some thing like this could lead to a break out.
Darn, the pistol shrimp was trying to pull mine into one of his caves and I took her out and flushed her. Guess I should have given her a little more time to come back from the dead.