history of lunar's reef

Thanks, chingchai and mpoletti.

One question, if not Zeovit, what will you use in your next tank?

Who knows? :fish1: Can you say today what you'll do next day? :fun2:


Congrats, one of the best tank that I saw

You have a beautiful red table in the middle tank, do you think some element is important to keep this red color ?

I have one red table but he has pastel color, far away to be like yours

Best Regards
Thanks, guys.


Congrats, one of the best tank that I saw

You have a beautiful red table in the middle tank, do you think some element is important to keep this red color ?

I have one red table but he has pastel color, far away to be like yours

Best Regards

Denadai, do you mean acropora hyacinthus, don't you? Kallium/jod in small doses and xtra improve the colour, but surely you know that. I read your threat on RC and I see you add and Koral color, so you needn't use anything else. Don't be so impatient and give some more time to your corals, they are that young. They improved a lot in comparison to their previous appearance. You can also replace one T5 with a tube that gives warmer lighting, e.g. KZ fiji purple or ATI actinic.

Hi Lunar,

Yes, is the hyacinthus red, I love this coral but never had luck with. I will wait and I will keep my routine, let´s see in a couple of months if I get better color

I´m using one 250W MH with 4x T5, I´m thinking in a powermodule from ATI with 8x 24W and take off the 250W MH

What do you think the setup below ?

3 x Blue Plus
3x Aqua Blue Special
2 x Fiji Purple

Best Regards
Denadai, some aquarists don't like T5 lighting for lack of shimmering. Are you sure that you won't long for it?
By the way your combination of T5 is good for me.

Hi Lunar

Very nice, one of my favs.:fun4:

Do you have a plenum on your deep sand bed ?

What brand of baling salts do you use?

Did you notice a big difference when using mineral salt ?

What improvements did mieral salt bring ?

sorry to quiz so much, but I need to learn from the best :thumbsup:

Thanks in advance

Thanks, Vince.

Starting zeo I already had DSB that had cooperated with a previous method. My tank has ran both of them (zeo + DSB) over a year and although everything has looked fine so far I decided to get rid of DSB. For two months I keep removing sand bit by bit during water changes. My goal is to have only decorative layer of sand.

When I added solutions for two-part method at the beginning I had trouble with keeping stable levels of Ca and kH. That's why I started using NaCl free salt, it seems to give me more stable parameters.


Here is a recent photo

<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://img513.imageshack.us/i/jpg502.jpg/'><img src='http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/5521/jpg502.jpg' border='0'/></a>
Just saw this tank post. Wow. Gorgeous. Just curious, what were the reasons you switched from ecosystem to zeovit?

Leng Sy is a friend of mine, I could always give him some feedback. (for the record, I don't use ecosystem, I use IO NNR - previously vodka)
Very nice! I relise that with Zeo less is more but I'm very surprised with your relatively low doses in comparesion to your water volume. I run a 200l net and have the near same dosing amount of zeo elements. Do you find the KZ skimmer playing a role in your dosing because it is not as agressive in stripping elements from the system?