A Reef From NZ




Still have a semi designated staghorn area.
Will see how things go as the po4 starts leaching.
Cheers, trying to keep on top of po4 somewhat as it leaches from the rock, I don't care too much about algae as long as it isn't bryopsis. Down to one hanna po4 reagent so I'll save it for a rainy day. Saw enough algae diving in Bali to know its natural and the corals grow over the top of it anyway. I've lost more coral in ULNS than dealing with a little bit of green/red/brown here or there. Anyway would be rude not to add a picture, hoping this yellows up and stays.
Looking good mate. I have bit of algae remaining on my plate rock...It was worse but is reducing over time. I just let snails deal with.
Realised I haven't been dosing VGV for about 3 weeks, screwed the lid on the bottle too tight and created a vacuum. Cut the dosing right back as I'll have to start from fresh kinda. Works sending me away for a week again, fingers crossed, hate messing with stuff right before going away.
48x28x18high. Everything survived the trip away and 1ml/day of VGV. Growth and colouration improved, sand bed still a bit funky though.. This blue mari is starting to look a vibrant sky blue

Just ignore the sand, I'm working on it.

A Reef From NZ

AEFW brah. Cut half of it off scraping it out of the turkey baster, checked it a couple hours later and it seemed to be regenerating the tail and looking like a full worm again. Tough gits! Plan of attack is Turkey baster/power heads, can't deal with dipping and qt'ing at this point.
AEFW brah. Cut half of it off scraping it out of the turkey baster, checked it a couple hours later and it seemed to be regenerating the tail and looking like a full worm again. Tough gits! Plan of attack is Turkey baster/power heads, can't deal with dipping and qt'ing at this point.

Very sorry bro. :( That sucks big time.

I just beat them (to the best of my knowledge). But it required dipping/taking out infested corals and placing in QT etc. I guess you know the drill. But it damn sucks big time cos I know how it must feel especially if its at a bad time when you have other lifes problems etc.

Whilst I am not a fan of the baster/powerhead method its probably the most convenient option for you right now.

Good luck and let us know how it goes. :(
Tank is going. The mrs has evicted it from the house. Paid parental leave is 12weeks in New Zealand, so we've been down to just my income. A soon to be crawling baby, noisy fans, not enough time..the list goes on.
Hope everyone else's tanks are doing great! Adios!