hob refugium or sump fuge?


New member
I know I want a good fuge for both nitrate export and zooplankton/microfauna production. I have a 50 gal that I could probably fit a 10 gal tank under for a sump fuge but Ive never tried a sump setup before and I cant drill the already-filled tank. Im worried with my inexperience that trying a sump without drilling might end up with a potential for flooding. Anybody running a sump without drilling the tank (using an overflow)? Is there any foolproof setup to prevent flooding? Is it all worth it or should I just save my money and by a hob aquafuge? I know I would appreciate the extra space a sump would provide but I want to stay safe and simple. Thanks for the input!
I have a hob overflow that I built out of pvc. Its been running for 2+ yrs with no problems(knock on wood). Its a pretty simple and cheap design that I found in the diy section here on Reef Central.
HOB Overflow box

HOB Overflow box

Sky -

All you really need to facilitate a Sump, is an "HOB Overflow Box". You can either buy one from a LFS or on line vendor, or Build one.

I'm pretty sure Eshopps or CPR make them for purchase.

Here's an example of CPR HOB Overflows

Once the overflow is established, the (10-gallon) Sump in this case, can be placed in a larger 20-30 gallon Concrete mixing tub from Lowes or Home Depot for water proofing.