Hobby courtesy

I once gave a down payment for a used tank to be picked up after the seller got rid of the live stock etc... gave the guy a couple of month to sell live stock. to make the story short, he never called me to notify the tank was ready and he sold the tank to someone else. it took a couple of months to get my down payment money back.

Damn, now that is a good one!
how about when you post something that you are looking to buy, then someone says to you that they have it...

and then you ask for their contact info to go to buy it and they reply to every post on the site except yours.....
I'll jump on the bandwagon here, since the last few days have been hectic for me with work, and I haven't had time to get on here and reply to all the PM's. I did just finish replying to everyone, and I feel bad that I couldn't get in touch sooner.

Being on both sides of this, as a seller and a buyer, is one of the many evils we have to face in this hobby.
whats your major malfunction numbnutz....are you eyeballing me....I think you like me private.....do you like boys numbnutz.....lol classic

Awesome, one of my favorite movies. Also I agree with OP. Courtesy is a rare thing these days among people in general.