Home Reef Videos..?

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Tigahboy said:
My Searhose Vids...same vids, different song in background...

Kuda Love (Wong Faye version)

Kuda Love (Aerosmith version)

I made the Aerosmith version 2nd, so the transitions fit better to the Wong Faye song. But close enough. =P

Great videos Tiga..... I'm partial to the first version.... The music fit better to the "moment" to me.... Beautiful looking ponies and tank....

I'm trying something here......



These are my two videos... working on shortcuts and "save as" ... Seems to work now and when you go to my website it no longer loads up but is a "link"..... Would someone try and "right click save target as " please and let me know how it works....

They seem to be coming up in in quicktime rather than media player .... not sure what's up with that....

Well ... to answer my own posting...... LOL.... I just did the "right click save target as" thingy and it downloads and opens in media player on my computer......


I just watched both videos, Bob. You rank right up there with the rest of them. Great job. BTW, they both came up in real player for me.
skippy2 said:
I just watched both videos, Bob. You rank right up there with the rest of them. Great job. BTW, they both came up in real player for me.

Thank you very much.... It's funny how it comes up in all the different players.... Quicktime on the website, media player on my computer download and real player for you.... Course it's probably how we've got the codecs set to run...

Thanks again

It has to do with file associations, Bob. You can alter that in your computer's settings to open up with the default player you select.
melev said:
It has to do with file associations, Bob. You can alter that in your computer's settings to open up with the default player you select.

:D Yes Marc...Im aware if that...... I ain't "tupid".....:lol:

Is their somewhere were you can an better idea on how to make these videos and posts them. I just got a new computer with the works and a digital camera. I'm ready to just try it. Looks fun trying to be your own Director.
fishman805 said:
Well ... to answer my own posting...... LOL.... I just did the "right click save target as" thingy and it downloads and opens in media player on my computer......



I still (luckily) have no problems with them just loading/playing off the web, rather than downloading them. I love the little Nano! Your gentle transitions are nice in these.

Could you or someone just do me a quick favor? I want to see if the new web page I added for my reef videos on my web site works. Someone said they were having trouble..so I'd appreciate it?!?!

takes a minute to load...very right hand side, middle of the page, are small icons, click the little blue reef-looking icon (says reef videos next to it). See if the video page comes up?

People are saying they can't even get to the home page for some reason, so I 'think' I fixed it now.

Also, Bob, the site is looking better and better. Tell Kristin good work..she'll be a wiz soon. I love the pic of you, and cute how she calls you 'daddy'..don't know why, I don't hear kids say that much anymore!!! Can't wait to see as she does more.
skippy2 said:
Yup!!! It's fixed. Looks like a really nice site.

Thanks Peggy - friends/family have no clue when I talk about 'my tanks'...so... :rollface:

One of my furnaces is dead, and that room is freezing, my friend said, why don't you bring it here for a while. She hasn't been by in over a year, so, now she can see just WHY I can't bring it to them to babysit! So far I'm keeping the 2 in that room warm enough luckily.

Beverly, don't you have a horse tank?? I don't think I've seen vids yet of them, or did I miss that?
Thanks Peggy - friends/family have no clue when I talk about 'my tanks'...so...

My family is the same way but in my sister's defense she did get me an olympus 600 for my birthday. I just had to promise not to send tons of tank pics in email. :eek:
eidillitih said:
Is their somewhere were you can an better idea on how to make these videos and posts them. I just got a new computer with the works and a digital camera. I'm ready to just try it. Looks fun trying to be your own Director.

Have you looked at Windows Movie Maker yet?
eidillitih said:
Is their somewhere were you can an better idea on how to make these videos and posts them. I just got a new computer with the works and a digital camera. I'm ready to just try it. Looks fun trying to be your own Director.

Definately try Movie Maker like Peggy said..it should be on your computer bundled with Windows. Ask questions as you go along, and, when you're ready to post things, we'll help you from there as there are a lot of different ways.

Good luck!!
avansickle said:
I still (luckily) have no problems with them just loading/playing off the web, rather than downloading them. I love the little Nano! Your gentle transitions are nice in these.

Could you or someone just do me a quick favor? I want to see if the new web page I added for my reef videos on my web site works. Someone said they were having trouble..so I'd appreciate it?!?!

takes a minute to load...very right hand side, middle of the page, are small icons, click the little blue reef-looking icon (says reef videos next to it). See if the video page comes up?

People are saying they can't even get to the home page for some reason, so I 'think' I fixed it now.


Thanks for the kind words Amy.... I'll pass the word along to my daughter.... I'm at work right now so all I can tell you is that I can open the new video section of your web site .... I can't download any of the videos because we're on a restricted network.....But your site works just fine and when I get home this afternoon I will try it out completely.....

eidillitih said:
Is their somewhere were you can an better idea on how to make these videos and posts them. I just got a new computer with the works and a digital camera. I'm ready to just try it. Looks fun trying to be your own Director.

[welcome] eidillitih...

You will get alot of good advice and info here in this thread... These are some of the best people in RC .... We all can't wait for you to start posting....

Amy... I just got home and tried your site update for the videos..... It works like a champ.... Very nice..

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