homer1475's Biocube 29 Build Thread

Quick update.....

Got everything hooked up to the apex, outlets figured out, some cleaning up of the wires, and some very rudimentary programming. ATO installed, mp10WES installed, but not set on anything yet(just have them on ), And all 4 fans setup on the temp conditions. :D

I did replump the reactor but still don't have room for the shelf, the pipe just isn't rigid enough for proper plumping, and since I already screwed the reactor to the side, I don't want to move it. Not a huge deal though, it leaves me more room for other things, and I'm liking it better without the shelf. Besides I have the nice 3 drawer caddies for all the "extra" junk. I'll post some pics tomorrow if I get time, still need to figure out the WXM module(keep getting a failed update?), and a lot of programming.
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Think I have everything setup and working. The whole virtual and physical outlets thing really threw me, had to read through the entire apex manual. Still not 100% sure on them, but think I have them mostly figured out. Although I would like to add a few virtual outlets, I still haven't figured out how?

Anyways here's a few pic from the last couple days. FYI my corals seem to really like the new lights, I have never seen them open like they have been since I installed them.

Everything wired up and extra wires taken care of:

Stuff I stripped from the hood.

Stripped out hood.

Rudimentary wiring(making sure everything works.

Puck and moonlights installed.

After having the puck installed for about a week now, moot 100% sure I like the looks it gives the tank. I end up with a lot of bright light in the center of the tank, with shaded areas on the side. Think I prefer the whole tank lit evenly for my tastes. Of course I only have the brightest setting at 45%, so that could contribute to the extra shaded ares too.
I have mine up closer to 70% and it is pretty good spread but that said the sides will always be a bit shadowed compared to the center. You would getthat with any puck type fixture that close tot he surface.

That said I think it is awesome since the tank is not that deep so I can have the light turned up and still have LPS thriving ont he sides since they are not getting pounded with light. Being that we have a narrow footprint it allows for a bit more diversity I think.

Use your apex and ramp up the lights for a peak to see what it will look like. If you are still unhappy with it then you can always suppliment and drive off the puck with extra stinrgs of lights.
Also the nice thing about the rapidled heatsink kit is that you could probably buy one set of RB and NW for each side and add another string of lights to balance out the light.

Sorry the spread isn't as broad as you would have liked to see. I hate to say it reminds me of one of the reasons I felt like the solderless individual LEDs was the right choice for me. I still feel like some areas don't get coverage, and I think mine get disco ball effects much more than you'll see, but each setup has its plusses and minuses.

Whatever it is, your coral will be very happy either way

The ability to provide shady areas will be helpful too. I'm playing with the positioning of this platygyra that just isn't doing great to try and find better lighting/flow positioning. Gawd SPS are so much easier to keep happy than LPS! Just maximum light, maximum flow, and steady 2 part and everything is taken care of ! [emoji14]
Almost agree on the LPS. My 2 frogspawns have been upset with their current location for the past week or so. I moved one after taking it to the vet and it is loving being on the sand bed. I will need to move the other piece as well to see where it wants to be...
Just got out of work for the day, and headed to the LFS. He had a beautiful small orange plate I might be coming home with, if its still there.
Just got home from the LFS, not quite sure how local it is being a 2 1/2 hour drive one way. lol

But anyways, the orange plate was gone, big bummer as I really had my heart set on it, oh well. I picked up a green candy cane, and very nice small yellow open brain. I'll post pics tomorrow when they open up, assuming they open in the morning. I've had some corals I've dipped in coralRx, open within hours, and some, took a couple days.

Really been looking for some ricordia, but either I haven't seen any I like, or haven't seen any at all. Really need to get some different colors working, neon green is getting boring!

Here's an FTS for now.

Looking forward to seeing the open brain coral. I do love me some trachyphyllia geoffroyi. I had one once, back in the day. It did pretty well for a long time. Once I upped the flow it was pretty ****ed, and I think eventually just kinda withered away from too much flow and sand blowing around my old tank :( Beautiful corals though!

You can feed them reasonable sized shrimp too, and they'll engulf the whole thing. Never figured out how they spawn/frag (though I guess I could just look it up), but that would be something neat to see.
I was actually just reading an article online about not being able to frag them. Guess they don't handle being cut up very well. It did not mention how it divides itself though.
only an hour in my tank and both are starting to open up already. I'm super excited about this brain, very nice piece of coral. The candy cane I only got cause the wife wanted it. I got her one, and me one. Win win situation.
Went for a ride today to a different LFS, everyone in my "local" reef club said this is the premier place to go. Man they weren't kidding!!! Spent a ton of money on corals today! Only because my wife was with me...LMAO

Picked up a goniopora, montipora, small war coral frag, and my lovely orange plate I was looking for!! As my wife was walking around looking, and the guy was bagging all that up, she saw a purple zoa colony she liked. Guy just threw it in! So after I payed and had gone out to my car to get my styro box, she noticed one cool looking fish, a Citron Clown Goby. So I came home with that also, for free! He's currently in my QT, and just ate some pellets, so he looks good and is eating well already. 4 more weeks of fallow to go, so I didn't really see any problem with adding him to the QT. My only concern is they are known to nip SPS, and seeing as I just got the monti..... We'll see, the LFS told me he might nip(crap shoot, kinda like whether a flame angel will nip or not), so no problem returning him if he does.

I'll post some pics tomorrow as I just stirred sh*t up and everything's closed up. with just the moonlights on too. Cell phones don't like blue pics.
Nice scores! Can't wait to see pics.

I'm not sure if the clown goby will pick at monti caps (plating, not branching) as they usually set up shop in branching acropora, where they make a nest and lay eggs. Who knows, hopefully he leaves your new coral alone!

Glad you found your "plate" corals as well. Is it a round or tongue/long fungia?

I love goniopora but man, I just don't have great luck with LPS yet, and goniopora are known for being fickle and liking dirty water. Probably should have picked up some goniopower from TLF to feed it. We'll see how it goes.

Most excellent that you found a great LFS too. Overall great success!
It's a round plate.

I was reading about the clown goby setting up shop in acro's, and that they like to eat them. No problem here with that, yet.

I'll post up some pics tonight when I get home from work.

WDkegge, Yes BRS mini, and I just set it up a week ago, so I can't really say how I like it yet. It was very easy to setup though, and is working great so far.
To be fair, I don't think they "eat" them, so much as they will make a little nook in the acro branches, and pull the polyps out so that it's a bare skeleton nook. Either way, shouldn't be bad, they probably won't bother small sticks either. And if they do, then you've got yourself a nice LPS/softy reef anyway :p
Got a call from my LFS yesterday that he got an orange octospawn in, well after work I drove 2 1/2 hours to check it out. Needless to say, its now in my tank. :D

2 Octo's next to each other.

Open Brain

War Coral

Orange Plate


Long tentacle Duncan. Picked this up with the Octo last night.

Candy Cane

Plating Monti

FTS with everything on the sandbed getting acclimated.

Tank is definitely getting full! I mentioned I wanted a black sun coral to my LFS last night, said he had one coming in today. DOH!! I was there last night! He's supposed to send me some pics this afternoon, then I'll decide if its going in my tank or not.

Definitely have a nice LPS/softy tank going.