horseshoe crabs & Crown conchs


New member
Have Horseshoe crabs and crown conch's for sale or trade for Live rock. Would rather trade Conch's are 1 to 3 inches and horseshoe's are abt 3 inches wide.
I would recommend not posting these here. RC frowns on posting for sale items in other places, esp. if these are animals which you collected yourself (which is illegal)
The Horseshoe started with 2 abt 4 years ago now have multiplied to abt 2. Bought the conch as sand snail a couple years back only to find out differently and they have started to multiply
You have had horseshoe crabs breed successfully? Thats cool, I had never heard of that happening. How big are the babies?
the babies when orginally found in the tank were abt 1/2 inch. they are about 2 inches now and feed on a few items. canned raw oysters, clams and varius fish they have been kept in a 150 gal aquarium partially filled with water and sand inially in my garage because of the smell. which is the main reason i wish to part with them along with loosing one of the adults