How can I move mushrooms?


New member
I have some stray mushrooms that I'd like to move (isolate). They are basically hitchikers on LR that I have bought from other reefers.

Is there a way for me to move them onto some locline that I'd like to have them cover up? Will they stick to it? I imagine superglue gel wouldn't work that well. Will a rubberband work? Will they stick to glass? If so, how can I get them to attach to it?

If you can get them off the rock that they're on, with a sliver of the rock, then you can epoxy them somewhere else on the rockwork. The easiest way to do that is to use the kind of tool that they sell that's for removing looks like a screwdriver but has a wider end and it's sharper with a little notch on it. They sell them in Home Depots and that kind of store. It works on most rock, but some is too dense and hard. Otherwise, if you remove the mushroom polyp with a razor blade, you might be able to get a glob of crazy glue gel to stay on the back of the polyp. If you can, once it's hardened you can put some epoxy on that and mount it.

One other way is to get the mushroom off the rock that it's on now and put it elsehwhere, where you'd want it, holding it down with bridal mesh, and hold that down somehow...the mushroom will grab onto the rock if it's held down that way for a week or two.