How can I raise my Calk and Alk???


New member
Hi everyone,

My 90 tank has been setup since September 2006. When checking my Calcium and Alk they're extremely low. I have lots of coraline growth, but each time I test for Calcium the results always show 150 and my Alk is always 4.8 dKH....I used Salifert and the expiration date is 12/2009. My test vial is always clean. I dose ESV 2 parts....A&B.


1. What is wrong with my Salifert test?
2. What can I do raise my Calcium and Alkalinity?

Please help!!!
What I use is Kent dkh Buffer and Kent Turbo Calcium. My tank evaporates a gallon a day. I have a 5 gal ro/di topoff reservoir. I put enough buffer for 5 days into the reservoir, and hand-add calcium to the sump. I maintain 8.3 dkh alk, and 400 cal.

If your alk and cal won't stay up, check magnesium levels: this is the third part of the triad. If mg sinks, calk and cal will fall. Your magnesium level s/b 3x the desired cal level. HTH.
Looks like you just need to dose more. Doing a series of water changes with correct params to bring things up over time and then increasing your 2 part dosage in increments until you get to your target levels should work fine.
hth, Chris
I've been changing 10 gallons every 2 weeks. I have lots of SPS frags and all their bases have encrusted. I also have great polyps extension during day and night. I'm wondering whether I just bought/received a bad test kit.

fishdoc11....this morning at 7am, I dose 6 full cups = 180ML of A and B. I just tested my water again and its still 150.

duec22...I'll check the site out.
Was your alk and ca in the correct range before you started adding the two-part? What it sounds like is you did not keep up with the increasing demands of your tank and they have been depleted. You need to "reset" your levels......though it may not be a correct analogy I think of the two parts as dilluted componets of powdered buffers and liquid Ca such as Kents Turbo Ca. The two parts are used mainly for daily replacement and will only put it back to the level it was at "yesterday" in normal dosing as per directions. So if it was low yesterday, it will be low today with little or no change to the observer. You can get your Alk and Ca into the correct params using the two parts only, but you will probably have to pour in alot and waste it doing so and end up using it all.....most people whine about using two part at all because of the price, so I won't recommend doing that. But is the easiest and safest way for you to fix the problem, with the exception of the above consideration most have.

In a nutshell since you are adding new frags, your alk/ca demand is increasing as you do.....(hence the six cups and no movement, that is a little more than your daily uptake), you are only replacing yesterdays uptake. ALOT more needs to be added to overcome this deficiency.......

I "set" alk/Ca levels (10dkh/450ppm) when they are extremly low as in your case using a powdered buffer such as Kent or Proper Ph, and a liquid or pelletized concentrate Ca such as Turbo Ca. Once the levels are within the range you are looking for, put those in the closet and forget about them unless something like this happens again. After that switch back to the two part and adjust your daily dosing based on the uptake you determine from your daily alk test.......if the alk is going up, dose less......alk is going down.....dose more......pick a valuse of say 10dkh and try to keep it as close to that number as you can.......

However, the powdered buffers and liquid Ca are EASY to overdose, so go slow and test often(at the very least daily before you dose to adjust daily dose) can add more, a large swing could RTN your stuff. Hence why not many dose daily with this stuff, its harder to control the small changes that occur daily with these products, but possible......which leads to two-parts that additionaly add stuff like Mg in the process......

This is what I have done and works very welll, growth is great and consistent.
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time for a reactor

time for a reactor

If you have a lot of sps, you will be very suprised as they grow how much calcium they use, deffinitely up your dosing everyday by small increment and deffinitely do a big water change to get your params in order, and the final word is start pricing a calcium reactor, it will make evrything so much easier!!!
sacramentodots...what would happen if I dose 1/4 of the A&B tomorrow morning? I'll willing to try that if nothing will happen to my SPS...just don't want them to RTN on me.

Paulairduck...When I had my 225, I had a calk reactor. Now that I've moved from a single home to a townhome...with limited space I sold everything that was equipped with the 225 and since have downsize to this 90. Ideally, I would love to guy another reactor but due to space I have chosen to dose rather than having another reactor.

RichConley...I changed 10 gallons last night and this Saturday morning and today my salinity is at 1.025.

I really appreciate everyone's time and advises....hopefully, I can resolve this defiency soon.
You might want to check you Ca readings with another kit just to make sure. Normally calcification would not be happening(which I assume it is since you have pieces encrusting) at that low a level. For reference I dosed ~ 90 ml of each of Randy's homeade parts A and B in my old 90 that was packed with grown out SPS. I now dose ~ 110 ml a day of both with ~ 30 small to medium sized colonies and a few other things that take up Ca. Both of those were along with Kalk with topup.
just want to share a picture of my system with everyone.

just want to share a picture of my system with everyone.
