How did everyone fare with the storm?


New member
Just checking in to see if everyone made it ok with our recent (and never-ending storm).

I am in north PSL, got a little water damage from water coming in from the front window. Kept loosing power. Glad I went to Walmart and got some battery operated pumps! So far my babies are ok!:(
sorry to hear about the water damage......we did ok over here in Stuart. The Shell station across the street from where I work got hit by a tornado. messed it up pretty good.
Hey Mary. I figured I'd just reply here to your pm from SWF No damage to my house or any seen locally. My street flooded quickly, 12"-16", but actually resided within the same day. Sorry to hear that you sustained some water damage. One of these days I'll have some free time to have you stop by. My personal and work schedule are both as unpredictable as a storm. lol

Good to hear. I guess not everyone is as fortunate to work from home and have a flexible schedule as I do. Just give me a call whenever.
Hi Mary. This is the "guerrilla reef raider" from SWF. My wife's a teacher at SLW K-8 and I'm currently working at the PGA golf club. Still 2 feet of water in that area, but we fared better up here in Port Fierce. My son goes to KidZone off SWL Blvd. and Bethany, still flooded there, too.
Hi guerrilla reef raider! I live off Midway and Selvitz. Not bad at all in that area. We have lots of drainage. My son goes to Southern Oaks. My daughter graduated from Westwood in 07'. I haven't even checked if they are going back on monday. Has your wife heard anything contrary?
BTW I know a guy named Brian Cahill that used to work at PGA. Not sure if he still does. Great guy. I worked Real Estate with him for a while.
I live in stuart and I was out and about the backyard for quite a while during the storm. martin county doesn't have the drainage problems that general development corp gave to SL county when they built it, so all was pretty dry within a day and my hood is about 15' above sea level, so there was no flooding. no power loss except for a couple of quick burps that messed up the clocks.