florida guru
just curious as to how everybody got started in this hobby--- it can be a long story( that makes for good reading) was it seeing something on tv or visiting your first fish store etc. etc.-- just share your passion
the way i got started was, back in 2000 i was preparing to have my first knee surgery and my wife thought that i needed something to occupy my time while i recover, so i decided to get my first fish tank( a 20 gallon freshwater with oscars) within a year i upgraded to a 55 gal freshwater. after visiting something fishy( this was before i ever knew of kermit's), i was sold on the aspect of saltwater) i then got rid of my freshwater and started a saltwater tank with the typical hob skimmers and filters, at the same time i still had another 55 with discus fish that i was debating to get rid of for another saltwater tank, well 9 years later here i stand with a 75 gallon reef after 11 tanks ranging from 20-55 gallons, and at one time 6 tanks running at the same time and countless dollars spent( d#*#!) i finally can say that unless health or tragedy strikes me, i plan to stay with this hobby, cause it has brought me a lot of joy and relaxation and some knowledge of god's creatures beneath the sea, not to mention the ability to meet some very wonderful people.
the way i got started was, back in 2000 i was preparing to have my first knee surgery and my wife thought that i needed something to occupy my time while i recover, so i decided to get my first fish tank( a 20 gallon freshwater with oscars) within a year i upgraded to a 55 gal freshwater. after visiting something fishy( this was before i ever knew of kermit's), i was sold on the aspect of saltwater) i then got rid of my freshwater and started a saltwater tank with the typical hob skimmers and filters, at the same time i still had another 55 with discus fish that i was debating to get rid of for another saltwater tank, well 9 years later here i stand with a 75 gallon reef after 11 tanks ranging from 20-55 gallons, and at one time 6 tanks running at the same time and countless dollars spent( d#*#!) i finally can say that unless health or tragedy strikes me, i plan to stay with this hobby, cause it has brought me a lot of joy and relaxation and some knowledge of god's creatures beneath the sea, not to mention the ability to meet some very wonderful people.