How did you get started in this hobby?

About 4 years ago , my daughter brought home a betta in a fruit jar and I got the little guy a bowl and set him up real nice . My hubby and I got a kick out of messing with "George" so one day we decided we needed more in common and a shared interest so we went out to buy an aquarium. Well he only liked the salt water fish so in my dumbest moment, I bought a "complete saltwater set up " from Petco . We brought home the 30 gallon treasure and set it up. I went online and started reading about salt water tanks and tried and tried to get him involved...he showed a little interest when it came fish buying time other than that ...he could not get"into" forward a couple of years and now I have learned by mistakes made and graduated to a 90 gallon with the help of the fine folks in this group...WE gave up trying (on many levels) a divorce and now I am maintaining my 90 and my 8 gallon . I recently upgraded my lights and it would be an understatement to say I am dealing with a diatom " bloom " is more like a bomb.... the expense is a struggle sometimes but I enjoy it too much to give it up...