How do you acclimate?


New member
When I was in the reefing phase over a decade ago we drip acclimated everything that came in. In recent times I am reading of the horrors of drip acclimation based on ammonia and fresh o2 and water temp changes and that this shock leads to increased deaths.

How are you acclimating, and why?
with Acros, I float for 15 minutes, take it out of the bag and plop it in. never had an issue with it. Many people do it this way, and some suggest holding it out of water so it can slime up a little, which isnt a bad idea either.
I don't know if it's good or bad but i haven't acclimated any of the corals i've ever owned.
Only some of the fish.
Just my 02 cents
I don't. I just dip, and polp them right in. Never had any issues with SPS, LPS, zoas, etc...
I have always temp acclimated and dripped for 30min. Then dipped and placed in the tank. I have yet to have a issue that way. But I have always considered the Temp, Dip and Plop method.
dip and insert in. phrasing. If your tank parameters are fairly consistent with the natural ocean it is 10x better than what was in that bag. JMO
Float for temp if bag water is clear, remove from bag and inspect for parasites, into dip water, into tub of tank water, into system.