How hard are Achilles Tang's to keep? Upgrading to a 125 or 210


New member
I would like to know how hard it is to keep the Achilles Tang? I've seen quite a few out there on the boards. I will be upgrading my system to a 125 gallon or a 210 gallon aquarium. I haven't decided what size yet. Would it be possible to keep this beautiful tang with a Powder Blue Tang as well? I'm doing the research and would love to heard people's experiences. I know these are recommended to advanced keepers only, that is why I am asking. I go above and beyond for my fish. Please don't flame me. I just want the facts. Please let me know. Thank you all very much.
first, I would say that you will not be able to keep an Achilles with a Powder Blue tang. They just don't mix. Second, IF you get an achilles (and not a powder blue to go along with it) I would go for the 210, the more swimming room for the Achilles, the better. They are not easy fish to keep, but every now and then someone gets a real good individual fish that makes others want to try it! I am not saying anything bad, they are beautys, and I even kept one for about 2.5 yrs until I moved out of state to go to college, then it died, but just be forewarned, ...
I guess I will just wait and see. I've love to hear from people who have been able to keep them. I've heard various things. In this hobby everyone has different experiences. Thank you Skeeter. How do you like your 210? Do you have any pictures? It's strange, or different, I've seen tanks with 4 different tangs in them. They are not really large tanks either. Of course not 29 gallons of course. =) In the 125-150. I'd love to see pictures of your 210. Are you going to try another one in there?
Hey there-

Size wise, a 125 and above is a good choice. People who are reporting the best overall success with Achilles are buying plump 3-5 inch specimins that are feeding in the store, and carefully QTing them in an established (biofiltered) hyposalinity QT for 6-8 weeks with good nutritional support.

When in the display, achilles do best with ALOT of brisk varied current, (think reef crest conditions/acropora tank), a varied diet fed frequently, and good parameters.

All subsequent additions MUST be QT'd to prevent transfer of ich to the achilles, this is usually the demise of otherwise healthy specimins. They generally do poorly unless carefully shielded from ich.

I wouldn't worry about combining an achilles with other tangs any more than any other tang I would have. They usually combine the most poorly with others of the same type, since achilles is an acanthurus sp, best not to combine them with another acanthurus type of tang. I wouldn't heitate to add a zebrasomas sp, or other mid size tang, provided the achilles is in first and any subsequent fish are QT'd.

Yup my current tank and upgraded tank is mostly SPS. I'm a fan of a lot of flow. Would a Blue Tang be a possibility with the Achilles instead of a Powder Blue Tang? I've got Anthias and feed frequently. So I'd be able to feed them a good, varied amount. Thank you Shadow. That is a pretty dog. Or is it a wolf?
You mean like a hepatus tang? Well, that is (sort of) an acanthurid... I would think though that since the hepatus has a very different colouration and different body type (longer and not as "round") it would be as good a combo as any tangs together. I personally would not try a powder brown or blue, they are so similar in pattern and body shape to the achilles, and as prone to ich IMO, (though I have a powder brown and love him, great fish!). Of course the larger the tank the more leeway you generally have with combining fish, so any combo could potentially work out with time. The big question IMO is the stress on the achilles, so that is why I would make it the first large fish added to your new system, so it feels dominant and in control. Stress increases the odds of losing a fish like an achilles. If you really feel you MUST try another delicate tang with the achilles I would recommend buying similar sized fish, QTing them seperately and introducing them to the display at the same time. Not ideal, but they will be on equal footing as far as establishing territory goes.

Personally I would choose one or the other.

Good luck, it's fun to plan a new tank!
I've had my Achellies for about 4 months. I tried to introduce a powder blue and the achellies slaughtered it. Right now he is with a Blonde Naso and a Hippo. They commonly eat from the algae clip together with no disputes. As for the size of the tank, I have a 210. He does laps back and forth. I can't imagine a smaller tank for it. I already feel bad that he only has 6 feet of swimming distance.
Well, Pmolan is having good luck with the combo, probably the different body shape and colour. Hippos are also fairly hardy as far as tangs go, so that's a nice bonus.
MarineGirl, I do have pics, but I do not post them here, as I do not yet have a host, but I can email you some if you like, PM me

PMolan, you say only 6 feet of swimming distance, my 210 is 7 feet long, just curious on the dimensions of yours, ...
Quick shot.

Sweet, looks great! Based on your coral growth you've had your achiles a long time as well. Good job, love all the tangs.

How did you get all the zebrasomas together, lol. That must have been rough ;)