how high up should i place my zoo's??


New member
i just recieved some frags from a friend and i'm wondering how high up or low down should i place my zoo's? the smaller polyp colony has fully opened up while the bigger ones...only one or two has opened up.

tank stats:

55gal long...4 feet long, and roughly 16 inches tall.
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 15
ph: 8.1

216watts 50/50 T5's...2 daylights and two blues.
petermai, as for new arrivals, some are of the belief that you should place them where you want them and leave them. Others will say place them high right off the bat. I lean towards now placing everything on the very bottom of the tank, in the sand, and away from anything else for a few days. I always take the approach that causes the least amount of stress to a colony that has been stressed already for 24 to 48 hours in transit. After a few days and when I can see that there are no issues, I place it on the reef. If you think about it, a colony has remained in complete darkness for a day or two and then, Wham-O, it's sitting just below the water surface under extremely intense lighting. This can easily cause bleaching in some corals.

The perfect scenario would be a QT tank first and then placing in your main system after a couple weeks.

If possible, I would place it on the sand for a few days, then onto your reef. You don't want to move them around alot after that, doing so will only stunt/low the growth of the new arrival.

Just my 2 cents worth.


PS, placing a new arrival on your reef that have been severly stressed can cause a serious problem. Here's how. Lets say you receive a colony/frag that has the beginning stages of a Fungus or BI and you missed it before placing it. BI can pop up overnight and begin to affect other colonies on the reef that were otherwise doing great. The Fungus and Bacterial infections can spread and affect other colonies overnight. If it was a frag and you placed it in/on your reef, and the outbreak affected every colony around or touching it, just imagine the potential lost. Yes, I have seen it happen at many LFSs who didn't take the proper precautions.
oh no, they weren't shipped or anything, i got them from a friend of a friend that lives 5 minutes away. they're in there half down from the top at the moment. i should rephrase my question as to where i should place them once they're acclimated to my photoperiod schedule? i do appreciate your response though. i'll definitely look into it. thanks.