how long for a block of MarinePure to colonize BB?


New member
After reading so many positive reviews, I decided to get the 1" block of Marine Pure. Approximately how long might it take for it become beneficial?

To speed things up, I dumped a 1/2 bottle of Instant Ocean BIO-Spira into the tank. Just curious how long it might take for the BB to colonize inside the MP?.....days, weeks, months?
I would have soaked it in bacteria before adding it to the tank. This is the best way to just start your block.
I would have soaked it in bacteria before adding it to the tank. This is the best way to just start your block.

I still have a 1/2 bottle. Could I take the MP block out and soak in there for like 24 hours? At this point, the block has been in my tank for 3 days. It is stocked with live-rock, live-sand so I won't upset the system (too much).
This is what I have done. I took the block out and placed in a tuperware container. I took tank water covered the block, probably 1 1/2 in depth of water. I dumped the other 1/2 bottle of Bio Spira into there. Additionally, I took a tiny bit of shrimp (used to feed my fish) and tossed it in there. I figured the bacteria need something to feed off.