How many BareBottom's do we have?


New member
I've been kicking around the idea of reworking my tank and going barebottom. Now, it wouldn't be completely devoid of substrate. I would most likely scatter rubble on the bottom and plant zoas there to take over.
So, how many bare bottom tank owners do we have and would you do it again?
I'm planning on going BB on my next tank. I've posted the same question on another forum and everyone who ran BB said they'd never go back. No more unsightly (dirty) sand and it allows you to really kick up the flow if you want. Everyone said that they were able to maintain more stable water parameters and the tanks are much easier to clean
I have been thinking about it also. I have a tank at the shop that was susposed to be a temp. holding tank. Its a 90gal that has been up over a year. It has sand covering 75% of the tank maybe .25" deep. For my home tank that I was thinking about bb I was going to have some sand in the sump. Do you scrape the bottom with a float magnet just like you would the sides?
thats what i've been seeing about them and thought it would be worth a try. as far as i know the bottom is not really cleaned, just flown clear.
but just remember, if you have a very bust work schedule( as do barrett and josh) then going bb would'nt be better, cause you are still going to have detritus sitting on the bottom of your tank and you will be not able to keep good thing as sand burrowing snails and such---just imo
With all the nitrogen bubbles I see in the lower layers of my substrate, I'm hesitant to give up all that denitrification and go nude. I know it can be done, I guess I'm just a stick in the mud, er a, sand.
I have had frags and fish with bare bottom and IMHO they don't do as well something about keeping your tank like the ocean that appeals too me. Just my opinion I've seen nice BB tanks just looks like something is missing.
I have had frags and fish with bare bottom and IMHO they don't do as well something about keeping your tank like the ocean that appeals too me. Just my opinion I've seen nice BB tanks just looks like something is missing.

Ditto - I think the sand looks more like the beach - I like the beach.
i thought the point of the hobby was to recreate the natural habitat for the life you are going to keep, i like the look of the sand my self