How many clams

hmmm...only have 2 now..since i just drop that monster 14.5" Deresa in my tank..that took most of the sand bed along with my 8" teardrop maxima..:D
LOL. I am the same way. Whenever I walked into one particular fish store, that's was the first piece of info that gave me other than the standard, "Hey, how you doing today?" :smokin:
I have 4 right now(1 maxima, 1 crocea, 1 derasa, 1 Hippopus). Right now I'm on the quest for a blue squamosa, blue derasa, or small gigas. I'm starting to battle wether or not I should keep my LTA. It is well over 12", has spawning percs that reside in it, and I've had it for almost 3 years. I've grown pretty attached to it but now I've got the clam bug. The LTA is in a nice lagoon area of my tank and if it goes I will have lots of room for new clams. Hmm.....
I would just leave the LTA alone just as long as it doesn't interfer or get in the path of the clams. Let alone, your clownfish will become very upset with you when their home vanishes one day.

On the other hand, clams are addicting. It's great to see you have one of each clam type. I'm always in search of a new clam money permitting of course. :)
4. green/blue/gold crocea, gold maxima, green squamosa, purple/black/gold maxima.

Probably the neatest critters in the tank especially since they're all growing.