how many pumps? what model?


New member
This has probably been asked before, but don't wont to go through 100's of pages thanks in advance
I am upgrading to a 36"x30"x24" sps tank, now I have a 6055 and a 6095 what other pumps would you recommend to full fill my flow needs ta

I could see using 2-3 6095's or 2 6105's with the wide flow housing and 18V power setting. It really depends on how densely packed the display will be and I would generally have lower flows for montiporas than I might for seriatapora and table acros for example. Another option might be to simply add a 6095 and a 6208 wavebox, I like the idea of a wavebox as it lifts and removes sediment which can kill and encourage algae in between branches and in the cups of plates.