How much rock a deep dimensions 250?


I'm trying to put together a budget for an upgrade.

How much rock do people think I need for a 250 gallon marineland deep dimensions system (5' wide x 3' deep x 2' tall).

I like to have a fair amount of rock in my tanks.

If I do it, I plan on using marcorock.

thanks for the help
i would say 300lbs of wet live rock or 200-250 of dry rock like brs or marco. 150lbs of rock in a dd 250 isnt very much. Like you said that you like alot of rock in your tank then i would go 250-300lbs of marco rocks or 400lbs wet live rock
LR is rather subjective IMO. I'm a minimalist as I like room for coral growth and adequate flow. Although I haven't weighed it, I'd say I have ~100-150lbs in my 300g.
LR is rather subjective IMO. I'm a minimalist as I like room for coral growth and adequate flow. Although I haven't weighed it, I'd say I have ~100-150lbs in my 300g.

Im also minimalistic, got 100 lbs of dry Marcorock Key largo on my 240g Cube, I don't know how much it would weight if it was wet but could say maybe 25% more give or take?
I believe 1.5-2 lbs a gallon is the normal rule of thumb. I have 400 lbs in my 220 and I sometimes think of adding more. I have 80 in my 40 gallon breader 60 in my red sea max and 150 in my 92 corner. I have always followed this therory but it may not be nessary. the 92 is fowlr so is the 40 the rest are full reef tanks.
There are different variables when deciding on how much rock you will need.
1) All rock is not equal in volume to weight ratio.
2) It depends what kind of scape you want. With an open scape someone may not use more than 100 pounds of light weight rock. In rock wall scape someone may use 300-400 pounds of rock.
I am upgrading to the 250 DD right now. Going with about 150 lbs of BRS figi. Agree with Serpentman. I like plenty of room for coral growth and swimming room for Tangs. I also like plenty of open sand along the sides and front for clams and LPS.
Long term, I have been much happier with systems using less thanthe "party line" recommendations.
The 1-1/2 to 2 lb. per gallon recommendation started at least 15 years ago, before we really knew what was possible with reef tanks, and we did not have nearly the equipment available as today.
I find that much more open rock work, and higher flow rates are more important than how much rock you have in a tank.
As well - the quality of rock is important.
I used approx 175 llbs in my DD 250, and it is pretty open, porous rock.
You can see pictures of what that looks like here:
