how often to feed a new RBTA?


New member
was wondering how much/how often/and what to feed a new RBTA. i fed it after placing it in tank after it was attatched. it's still in same spot, just retracted into hole of LR where foot is attatched. i want to keep it fed so it's happy and stays put, but don't want to overdo it. i fed it a thawed cube of mysis in syringe. it sucked it up pretty nice.
i usually wait a whole day after it is in the tank then i try to feed it. after it starts eating i will feed everyother day, or every 3 days.
feed it sometyhing meaty like silverside,shrimp or scallops.. just make sure the piece of food is no bigger than its mouth.. i usually take a piece of scallop and cut into 4ths and feed it 2 pieces ,1 then the 2nd about 30-60 min later..the do better with small amounts at a time that one larger one
I feed mine every other day, however I'm going to cut it back to every third day.
It eats almost daily from whatever I feed the fish and is getting large quickly.

I definately agree that smaller meaty foods are best as large chunks are often refused by an anemone.

If clown fish take to it they will feed it anytime you feed the tank, but if not I agree every couple of days has worked for me as well.
I feed mine 1/5 of a shrimp once a week and its doing great (already split once).

IMO feeding depends on two main factors: Light & Clowns.

You will need to feed less if you have strong lights (say MH) and even less if your anemone is hosting clowns.

You will need to feed more if there are no clowns and even more if the lighting isn't upto to par.

My GBTA isn't hosting, but does have good lighting so i feed it once a week (apart from what it picks up from the water column during regular fish feedings).

It works for me.
i fed mine mysis first 2 days it was in. i think it's settled now, its' in high flow and light now. hasn't moved all day. this is 3rd day.i think i'm gonna feed it again, and then every other day w/ fish. no clowns yet. i'm just concerned that feeding it mysis everyday is too much but i doubt it. it looks super rosy and bubbled up.