How to deal with My 6 line wrasse aggression


Ok so I have a 6 line wrasse that has been in the tank for a while.
Then I have added a fire fish and a chromis. I already had 2 other chromis so the wrasse is not having anything with him.
But not sure what to do with the wrasse cuz every time he is seeing my fire fish getting out of is home is keep going by him and I also saw that his fins ware damaged numerous times.

I also have a blue and yellow damsel that goes by him but not hitting or touching him.

SO what can I do with the 6 line to have him less aggressive?
I feed twice a day.
I have a 75 gallon tank with corals and fishes like:
3 chromise
1 bicolor bleny
1 coral beauty
1 blue/yeallow damsel
1 yellow tang
2 clown fish
1 cardinal
Six line wrasse are pretty aggressive. I put mine with just the clownfish and they are okay but once the clowns lay egg, they will go after the eggs. Watch out for Midas blenny as well, they are pretty aggressive towards other fish as well
You mention that the Sixline has been in the tank for "a while." To me, this means the Sixline has established the tank as its territory. The only way to break this habit would be to do a pretty major re-arrangement of the rockwork (like a territory reset). It might help put the Firefish on better footing. Unfortunately, as others mentioned, Sixlines are aggressive, so any small, elongate fishes may well have trouble getting established.

I recommend a #10 barbless flyfishing hook with a little bit of meaty something on it. Trade it in to your LFS for something that isn't a jerk.
I recommend a #10 barbless flyfishing hook with a little bit of meaty something on it. Trade it in to your LFS for something that isn't a jerk.

He'll never get the hook past the tang or the angel! But I agree in concept. :D

How to deal with My 6 line wrasse aggression

Ok so I have a 6 line wrasse that has been in the tank for a while.
Then I have added a fire fish and a chromis. I already had 2 other chromis so the wrasse is not having anything with him.
But not sure what to do with the wrasse cuz every time he is seeing my fire fish getting out of is home is keep going by him and I also saw that his fins ware damaged numerous times.

I also have a blue and yellow damsel that goes by him but not hitting or touching him.

SO what can I do with the 6 line to have him less aggressive?
I feed twice a day.
I have a 75 gallon tank with corals and fishes like:
3 chromise
1 bicolor bleny
1 coral beauty
1 blue/yeallow damsel
1 yellow tang
2 clown fish
1 cardinal

You could try putting the wrasse in a time out. I took one of the small boxes from Petco that are used to store fish and drilled a bunch of holes in it and then superglued it to some dowels.

Or you can buy one here -

They also work as a method to try to introduce new fish which is what it's advertised as here.

Edit for clarity - If you do want to keep your fish I agree with others that reorganizing the aquascape is a good first move. If you put him in time out and then reorganize the aquascape while he's in time out you'll know if you can keep him or if you need to trade him in.

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I was thinking to do that. But the only issue is that I will not be able to catch him that easily. He's fast and I got a bunch of corals and rocks...
I was thinking to do that. But the only issue is that I will not be able to catch him that easily. He's fast and I got a bunch of corals and rocks...

I've caught some fish using the petco box I talked about. Because it's so big they were willing to check it out, and enticing with food helped.

It didn't help me catch my dottyback the other day though. I had to drain the tank - that may be what you have to do to catch him to either put him in jail or bring him back to the LFS.

Easiest way is to get a bunch of 5g buckets and fill them one by one, scoop him up, and then dump them back in. I used a 29 gallon aqueon tank and a couple buckets for my 45. Bonus points if you have a sump area to dump the buckets on, or just try to miss the corals but use the rock to break the stream. If you hit them it should be fine though - I dumped a 5g right on a digitada and it went flying off the rock but was fine by the next day.

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