How to get crocea secured in sand bed?

Tomoko Schum

New member
Hi y'all,

I am having a hard time getting my 4 inch crocea clams facing up on the sand surface. I put them looking streight up, but the next day or so I find them laying on their sides. I tried wedging small rocks next to them, but sooner or later I find them looking lopsided. What can I do to keep them facing up?

The clam is going to settle where it is comfortable wrt to light and flow. I suggest you look at those aspects of your set up.
Giving it a flat rock to sit upon may allow it to secure itself and be more comfortable in the position you want it in, but not necessarily .
I will give a flat rock a try. You said "a half inch under the sand." Am I supposed to bury the rock in the sand and let the clam find it?

Mine was flopping like you describe when I originally placed it, until I noticed that it was pointing so that the incurrent siphon (the bigger opening) was catching some direct flow from a powerhead. I turned it 180 degrees so the incurrent siphon wasn't getting hit with direct flow and it has seemed much happier since then.

Thank you, guys!

I placed a flat rock under each of my clams. I buried the rocks about 1/2 inch in the sand. I will check on the water flow around my clams, too.

How long do you think it will take for them to find the rocks and settle down?

i have found that my crocea clam is very happy in the crevice of a rock about half way up the tank.... its kind of under a ledge so it does not get blasted by flow but turns itself to get enough light....
I think you might have more success by putting him in your rock work. That's where they live in nature. Your squamosas and derasas live in the sand usually.