The longer I'm in this hobby, the more afraid of palythoas I get.
One of my LFS's were fragging an exotic paly with a small bandsaw a couple weeks ago. The employees breathed paly dust without knowing it.
One guy had violent tremors, fever and pain all night (sounded like a nerve poison to me) and another guy was so disoriented his parents accused him of doing drugs.
Before I saw that, I developed a terrible itching on my left forearm. It was so severe I woke up the next morning and had scratched the flesh off - it looked like a bad burn. Then the itching went higher up on the arm. The itching was keeping me all night. There was no rash, no sign of anything wrong, but the itching was terrible. Doctor gave me steroids, skin cream, antihistamines, nothing worked. It finally went away AFTER my arm broke out in hives.
The next week it occurred to me I handle the palys with my left hand when I clean a particular tank. I do rinse my hands well, and when I can I use soap and water, but it was not enough. I will never touch a paly again.