how to kill unwanted zoa's?


I have tried boiling water, joe's juice, aptasia x all with no luck what can I do? I have a few patched of nuisance zoas that I can't get rid of...
joes juice should do it, same for aptasia x. you just have to turn off all the powerheads and pumps and let it sit on the polyps for 5-6 minutes.
if you have some kalkwasser powder you could make a paste and spread it on them, letting it sit for a while. but I've found that you may end up killing wanted stuff if you don't try and syphon off as much as the paste as you can before turning the pumps back on.
frag them off and give them away would be the best way in my eyes. i am sure there are alot of people out there who would love to have them.
Zoos shouldn't be so invasive that simply scraping them off with a razor blade won't work. I would frag them and either give them away or try and get a little credit at your LFS for bringing them in. You might be able to trade them and get a little $$$ towards a new coral.
What if the person cant frag them? If someone wants them and is capable they should offer to go over and frag them for them self. Yah?
I remember reading about someone pouring boiling water over their paly's and got the toxic steam in his face. he spent some time in the hospital. Becareful with that stuff.

What types of zoas are they?
Fragging them is simple...just take a razor blade and cut the polyps off, then reglue them with superglue gel back onto a smaller rock. Don't forget to wear eye protection because zoas contain a toxin that can lead to bad news if it squirts up in your eye. Its not very likely to happen, but you can never be to careful.
the most easiest way to do it and most natural and only if you totally want to eradicate the whole tank of zoos is to introduce zoo eating nudis into your tank.. if its only a patch then remove all the ones you want to save and then introduce the nudis and in a couple of weeks once they've eaten all they can and have died reintroduce your saved zoos back into the tank.
I am running into the same problem with these...

I started with 3 bleached out palys, just to see what they would be, and now they are out of control. I tried to give them away locally and no one wants them, all I can think to do now is destroy them.