Thank you for your compliments. The OMs can definitely be tricky to plumb but just take your time and use lots of valves and unions.
I like the flow a lot actually. It's definitely not like a power head. The OM really does create a current in your tank. I can kill my return pump, feed my fish and an hour later i'll come back and all of the uneaten food is still suspended in the water column. If there are dead spots in the tank I certainly can't find them! The OMs do a great job of keeping the current going in the tank and the transition from outlet to outlet is super smooth. Another interesting thing is that I can kill the OM and Darts and the current will keep going in the tank for quite a while before it settles down. Same thing when you fire it up, it takes a little while for the water column to really get going but once it does, it's so worth it!
I'm starting to add SPS to my tank soon so i'll let you know how that goes. The SPS is currently in a 90g that's powered by Tunze 6101's so we'll see how the twin Dart/OM tank compares to that.