How to put a fish to sleep (euthanize)

I had to "put down" my blue green chromis (major ich attack) today, just grabbed a net and a little mallet. I didn't like to have to do it even in this manner but seemed more "humane" than a sort of "slow death."

Personally speaking, I have a huge issue with this and hope it is a poor attempt at humor. With all the above information given by experienced folk why not try a humane and more respectful method???:headwalls::headwally:
Personally speaking, I have a huge issue with this and hope it is a poor attempt at humor. With all the above information given by experienced folk why not try a humane and more respectful method???:headwalls::headwally:

Nothing quicker than single whack.
I really hope all of you are joking...... EVERYTHING I'm reading is horrible.

It's like "Well that old man is suffering from a terminal illness, let's just beat him to death with a cleaver."

Hopefully this isn't an easy way a to get rid of sickly fish when someone doesn't want to spend the money to treat them.

I can't believe this is even a thread....
If you have been in this hobby long enough at some point you will have to euthanize a fish. It's not that you take to that approach first thing for crying out loud, but I have for old age ( I put down a 10 year old fish that couldn't swim any longer) or just too sick. Once and a while you know they are not going to recover and it is way more humane to euthanize then it is to let them be eaten alive by other tank mates or crabs etc.
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i find it amusing that the people who are so concerned about treating a fish 'humanely' when putting it down because they falsely attribute emotion or self awareness to a particular animal group have no problem keeping it caged in a glass box for the duration of its captive life

cognitive dissonance abounds

having said that-both club soda or freezing are absolutely painless and quite fast/effective for those too squeamish to whack a fish hard against a hard surface while in a net
i find it amusing that the people who are so concerned about treating a fish 'humanely' when putting it down because they falsely attribute emotion or self awareness to a particular animal group have no problem keeping it caged in a glass box for the duration of its captive life

cognitive dissonance abounds

having said that-both club soda or freezing are absolutely painless and quite fast/effective for those too squeamish to whack a fish hard against a hard surface while in a net

Were human's it's what we do. I always find it interesting at a movie when a person dies/killed look emotion. Then watch when a dog is killed......not a dry eye in the house. :spin2:
Wow.. Disgusting.. Hope your kids never get chicken pox and you decide to beat them with hammers..

But, the clove oil is used as an anestestic to fish, not euthanasia.
well I can see who treats their fish like pets and who treats them like mere decorations. Some fish cannot be saved by treating, some fish can. Hacking a fish in half does not grant a animal instant death like we all think it does many animals brains live on for well beyond 5 minutes.
I really hope all of you are joking...... EVERYTHING I'm reading is horrible.

It's like "Well that old man is suffering from a terminal illness, let's just beat him to death with a cleaver."

Hopefully this isn't an easy way a to get rid of sickly fish when someone doesn't want to spend the money to treat them.

I can't believe this is even a thread....

There are times, sadly, this might have to be done...
I personally, however, do not embrace nor agree with the cleaver or mallet methods...
im new to the hobby almost a year... ive never heard of having to put a fish to sleep... then again i havent had a fish get sick.
Were human's it's what we do. I always find it interesting at a movie when a person dies/killed look emotion. Then watch when a dog is killed......not a dry eye in the house. :spin2:

methinks you missed my point entirely

i'll pose it a tad differently...

how can someone claim they care about killing an animal humanely because they contend it's a 'feeling' animal, yet have NO issues with keeping it in a glass cage-the very act of confining it thus predicates that's it's NOT a 'feeling animal that one wants to treat as a 'feeling' animal

this is NOT analogous to treating or relating to two diff animals differently :idea:

any indignation on the part of ANY aquarist re: how one disposes a fish is disingenuous at best ;)

(for the record, i've kept plenty of fish that i considered to be 'pets'-including discus that would swim into my hand and lie there while i tickle-scratched their bellies. however, i don't place them at nearly the same level as my late pooch, vis-a-vis how much they can emote/feel pain)

and those reacting with the ridiculous 'children' hyperbole, well, it's just ignorant hyperbole ;)

Wow.. Disgusting.. Hope your kids never get chicken pox and you decide to beat them with hammers..

But, the clove oil is used as an anestestic to fish, not euthanasia.

clove oil is used not just exclusively to anaesthetize-it's also widely used to kill fish for consumption

the difference between a substance's use for putting to sleep/stun or killing is merely one of amount
one question for all of those offended by the 'whack a fish' method...

would you be any less indignant about the fact that for you to get your one fish, hundreds end up unceremoniusly getting thrown into a trash can w/in 48 hrs after landing in your country of destination?

why aren't y'all saying anything about that? :idea:
All we are saying is utilize as peaceful a method as possible...
I would not take a mallet or cleaver to my dog...
methinks you missed my point entirely

i'll pose it a tad differently...

how can someone claim they care about killing an animal humanely because they contend it's a 'feeling' animal, yet have NO issues with keeping it in a glass cage-the very act of confining it thus predicates that's it's NOT a 'feeling animal that one wants to treat as a 'feeling' animal

this is NOT analogous to treating or relating to two diff animals differently :idea:

any indignation on the part of ANY aquarist re: how one disposes a fish is disingenuous at best ;)

(for the record, i've kept plenty of fish that i considered to be 'pets'-including discus that would swim into my hand and lie there while i tickle-scratched their bellies. however, i don't place them at nearly the same level as my late pooch, vis-a-vis how much they can emote/feel pain)

and those reacting with the ridiculous 'children' hyperbole, well, it's just ignorant hyperbole ;)


Nope I got your point. An analogy is all I was proposing. Your point is if you really believe the fish has feeling then how can you keep it in a tiny box. I am just saying we routinely misplace our feelings to animals, who we do not know if they really do at the expense of humans that know really do.

Seriously though, to those that are condemning those that "put a fish down, because they are suffering" do you think it is better that the animal suffers, or are you just saying the club to the head is the problem? I'm telling you this, if your in this hobby long enough you will face that decision just as all pet owners do. When you find a fish that is hurt beyond healing, eaten or laying in a corner being alive you feel its better to just let that happen? I personally prefer the club soda method. I just slowly add it to a bucket of tank water that the fish is in. Until he stops moving then dump the rest in. It takes less than a minute and the CO2 first causes them to go to sleep, if fish do that then they calmly stop breathing.
one 'bottom line' is that a clownfish is no more intelligent/feeling than a mackerel, trout or tuna. they are all 'just' fish

why isn't anyone crying 'bout how sardines are callously (sp) murdered?

i honestly think the whole 'killing a fish humanely' thing is just plain silly-all the more so when the very act of running a tank kills more fish than one keeps ;)
Seriously laughing at this thread. Holy bleeding-heart, illogical sensitivity. Makes me shake my head.
It's a fish. Dispatch it in the cheapest/quickest manner you can think of. It has NO CLUE what's going on.
No one is condemning the fact that fish have to be euthanized from time to time,but smashing a live fish on your sidewalk because it has ich is what I condemn! Its jefferey domner-ish

and if people were beating live sardines on the sidewalk eith a mallet I would feel the same way.