How to remove this acropora eating bug!

This is a pic I took from a recent frag I dipped that I got from a local. About 20 came off it and they was munching on it. Some of them was the same color as yours.

Have to admit that they look more like amphipods when moving.

Are your corals suffering?

Some pods eat coral mucus and don't hurt the corals.
They eat all my acro and duncan. They ate my corals one by one.

You may have a water quality issue and these are the cleanup crew. Regardless, interceptor has killed everything that has looked and acted like this for me. All pods dead within 12 hours of dosing.
You may have a water quality issue and these are the cleanup crew. Regardless, interceptor has killed everything that has looked and acted like this for me. All pods dead within 12 hours of dosing.

Originally I suspected my water quality. I have frag tank with the same sump as this display tank. The frag tank is doing great, but not display tank. I think the filter sock in sump block the bug to the frag tank.


How can I buy the interceptor?
Also is it reef safe?
There are over 200 acropora eating amphipod species. They eat healthy SPS. To simplify,
Some people just categorize all of them under the more common red bugs since treatment is the same. Remove all your crabs and shrimps and dose interceptor asap. You have to get it prescribed from a vet or from another hobbiest that got it from a vet. I would just dip only the affected pieces to buy you time to get the interceptor
There are thousands of good pods, starfish, worms, etc... in a healthy reeftank. Wouldn't this crash that ecosystems?
There are thousands of good pods, starfish, worms, etc... in a healthy reeftank. Wouldn't this crash that ecosystems?

It does, though they do slowly come back (as well as the pests perhaps). I was very hesitant to use it but the reaction my SPS had was astounding, they loved the stuff. I joked it must be the beef flavoring to the tablets.

I cannot recommend where to get it. I ordered online but those sales are sketchy. Best talk to a vet or other local reefers. There's plenty of information here and elsewhere on how to dose and how much.

It will kill cleaner ship and some peppermint shrimp though a few of mine did survive.
I'm with Mark..
Interceptor will not 'crash the ecosystem' but it does practically eliminate the pod population. And some shrimps and some crabs.
Well worth the sacrifice imo. I have used interceptor several time. The system populations come back. You can also add a couple live rocks after treatment is finished to reintroduce pods.
A vet MAY sell it to you, if you show them some photos..
I think you may be able to find it on line somewhere but not sure where.
That is one creepy video!!
Good luck!
I've had pest nudi's, they don't move that fast, not even close. You are dealing with some sort of pod, interceptor probably will work well..... flatworm exit at 5x dosage will work as well.

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Thank you for your advice.
Does intercepter impact on SPS color?

When dosed correctly no, in my experience anyway. It's not risk free, nothing is risk free, there's always risk. Bug dieoff might spike nutrients a bit, hard to say. You need to evaluate dosing with what may happen if you don't.
When i treated with interceptor a long time ago the only effect i noticed was an almost immeadiate increase in PE on the acros. Nothing else effected.
Oh, and yes, the corals love that beefy flavor!
Hi guys,

Interesting to know that there is a way to wipe those pests from corals inside the tank. Can you please give me some comercial name for the interceptor so I can try to find it in Europe?