Hi all, I'm new to this board so take it easy on me. I have a yellow tang that is developing pinhead size black dots on both sides of his body. A friend told me that he used garlic to treat his tank and it worked. I have been using garlic for about a week and have seen little result. I read many of the archives in this message board but still have a question. How long should I use garlic befor I can expect to see results? I am also treating the tank with Kickick. I want to throw everything at this that I can get my hands on. I have had this yellow tang for two years and it is the first marine fish I purchased so it means a lot to me. I am pretty sure I know why he has the parasite. I recently upgraded from a 75 gallon to a 110 gallon tank. During the move, I had to put him ina temporay holding tank for several weeks. I think all of the changes to his environment stressed him. Anyway, sorry about the long string. Any encouragement would be appreciated.