How will the new CA mandates affect reefers in the state?

Does switching the landscape to drought resistant plants affect the value of the home? What about synthetic lawn?

I really don't care much for grass, but if removing reduces the value of the home then I'll think twice.
I live in california......the central valley to be exact. This state sucks. The politics, taxes, restrictions, welfare, unemployment, budget, and draught are all a thorn in my side. If I could live anywhere it would be TEXAS. The people there in the Lone Star state are awesome, The've really got it together.

Yea we have a lot of new comers from CA, but guess what we have been rationing water for a long time. My water comes via pipeline 60 miles away, instead of using the Edwards Aquifer which is 10 miles away because of some salamander (Courtesy of the US Government)
Why don't you just move! I'm sure you'll be greeted with open arms coming from CA. :facepalm:

Interesting so many CA haters. Or is it just jealousy? :lolspin:

The subject was about water. I think the new mandates will affect many things besides reefing. I expect the cost of food to rise quite a bit.

I think you are having that problem because of the LA Lakers losing record?
Well, at least there aren't massive ice and snow storms! Could be worse I guess. RO waste can be repurposed for many things. Get rid of the lawn and focus on your tank :)
I'm not sure massive ice and snow storms are worse than a ten year drought. I'll take the storms any day. Actually, today would be nice!
I think you are having that problem because of the LA Lakers losing record?

No issue here. Changed my fav team to the Dubs, aka Warriors!

Perhaps they're losing out of confusion - they can't find the LA lake.

Don't think that's it. They've been the Lakers ever since they were in Minneapolis. I'll give them credit for staying name loyal unlike the Oklahoma Sonics/ Super Sonics/ Thunder or the New Orleans Hornets/ Pelicans.
Well if idiots would stop releasing animals that don't belong here into the wild we here in Florida wouldn't have a problem. Instead we now have reefs being decimated by lionfish and wetlands getting hammered by pythons.

But hey, it's a cool 75 degrees here on my patio, the beer's about 34 and I didn't have to file a "state" income tax return today. All is well in the sunshine state. Maybe do a little fishing in the gulf tomorrow. ;) Cheers.

I don't really see how that effects the new CA drought mandate.
What I have been trying to figure out is if there's anything I can do with the water from my changes. My habit is to just dump it on my rock RV pad and I really don't know if I can repurpose the dirty saltwater in any way.
No issue here. Changed my fav team to the Dubs, aka Warriors!

Don't think that's it. They've been the Lakers ever since they were in Minneapolis. I'll give them credit for staying name loyal unlike the Oklahoma Sonics/ Super Sonics/ Thunder or the New Orleans Hornets/ Pelicans.

The thunder name was a result legal compromise between the franchise/NBA and the city of seattle in fact according to the terms of the deal it awarded the city $45 million to get out of the remaining lease at KeyArena, and could provide an additional $30 million payment to Seattle in 2013 if certain conditions are met. The owners agreed to leave the SuperSonics name, logo and colors in Seattle for a possible future NBA franchise; however, the items would remain the property of the Oklahoma City team along with other "assets," including championship banners and trophies.

the NBA owns the names and intellectual properties of teams and licenses them to owners. The league prohibits owners from giving away their team's names to anyone other than another owner. which is why the bobcats got renamed to the hornets so fast after the new owner of the newly bought NO hornets got permission to renmane them to the pelicans

One of my freinds in california said he disconnected every from his septic except the toilets in an effort to save water
I don't really see how that effects the new CA drought mandate.

Sorry eek, you're a little late to the show. Some entire posts were removed/edited by a mod for violating the user agreement. Thus a hiccup and the confusion. I did not bring up Florida to this discussion, only replied to a post that has since been removed.
I guess I should of asked this question earlier what is a water bill for say using 10,000 gallons a month in CA? Mine here is South Texas runs $40 and I use 8,000 gallons on average. My brother who has a awesome landscaped yard bill if $400 a month
I guess I should of asked this question earlier what is a water bill for say using 10,000 gallons a month in CA? Mine here is South Texas runs $40 and I use 8,000 gallons on average. My brother who has a awesome landscaped yard bill if $400 a month

Good question. I'd love to hear what other parts of CA are paying.

I don't know what the new rates will be but I'm sure it's going to be higher. It's probably different depending on which water district you are in. My lowest bill, for 3,000 gal is $88. This is during the winter with no landscape watering.

My highest bill was last September for $214 for 21,000 gallons! It is a tiered system so the more you use the more you pay per gallon.

I'm in a suburban house on sewer so there is a sewer fee included in that bill.

Rates will be different depending on delivery costs. Some major cities like San Francisco and Los Angles get their water from hundreds of miles away. My city gets all it's water from within the county.
What I have been trying to figure out is if there's anything I can do with the water from my changes. My habit is to just dump it on my rock RV pad and I really don't know if I can repurpose the dirty saltwater in any way.

I don't know any use for it. Some claim you can water landscape but I'd take that with a grain of salt! (couldn't resist the pun, sorry)

I do use the RO/DI waste to top off the pond. The goldfish don't seem to mind. :dance: I usually drain the pond once a year to clean it and reset water to a less mineralize version but this year I'm gonna skip that.
I tried to kill my yard with it (I hate mowing) and it just made my grass grow better. Maybe my phosphates are too high?? :)

I don't know any use for it. Some claim you can water landscape but I'd take that with a grain of salt! (couldn't resist the pun, sorry)

I do use the RO/DI waste to top off the pond. The goldfish don't seem to mind. :dance: I usually drain the pond once a year to clean it and reset water to a less mineralize version but this year I'm gonna skip that.
I guess I should of asked this question earlier what is a water bill for say using 10,000 gallons a month in CA? Mine here is South Texas runs $40 and I use 8,000 gallons on average. My brother who has a awesome landscaped yard bill if $400 a month

My last water bill i used 7480 gallons. My bill was $47.13
This is without watering outside at all. In the summer it's 3 times that.
This is in Orange County(south of LA)
I moved from the SF bay area (San Jose CA) 17 yrs ago. It makes me sick to see the lakes that I used to boat on. :sad1:

Indymann, I moved from the East Bay 20+ years ago too and I thought we had droughts back then....I was in the Oroville area for a wedding this past fall and driving past the reservoirs was pretty scary.
I moved from the SF bay area (San Jose CA) 17 yrs ago. It makes me sick to see the lakes that I used to boat on. :sad1:

Lake to me means natural. To be fair I'd call that a reservoir. It is retagged as a Lake on lots of marketing stuff. That reservoir feeds water to the CA Aqueduct, water for LA and farming. It's part of a 400 mile long system. Largest producer and consumer of electricity in CA.

The boating and recreation aspects are, some argue, just the misdirect for the public.