How would you plumb a 240?

Michelle L

New member

After many years of FOWLR, I have decided to go reef. I would like to keep the standard things...corals, fish, etc.

I know nothing about designing a plumbing system because everything I have ever done has been hang-on type equipment and wet/dry. This time I have built a sump/fuge, and the tank is drilled in the back (not the bottom.)

The tank is a 240 gallon and everything needs to be under the stand, which is a standard height pre-made pine stand (can't remember the height, but not very tall). I need to have an out-of-sump protein skimmer due to height limitations with the sump/fuge.

If you were me and you were plumbing this tank, how would YOU do it? Closed loop, overflows to sump, spray bar, etc.? (I already have a Dolphin 3000 pump that I plan to use.)

I would get a small pump for the return...try for 3-5x turn over in through the sump. Dont skimp on a good skimmer. A beckett style skimmer for a tank that size would probably not fit in the stand. Look at Deltc maybe. Use the dolphin on a closed loop with 2 large intakes and multiple smaller returns.

I am setting up a 210. I am going to use a Pan World 150ps as the return, and a Dolphin 3000 on a closed loop. My tank will be in wall, with a fish room behind it, so I am also using a 4ft tall dual beckett MRC skimmer.