Human beings are reckless and stupid

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Just agree to disagree dudes,

It's not just the trash mountain...crap is everywhere...I lived on catalina island...used walk out the back of my cabin walk 20 feet to go diving's no the big stuff you see its the innocuous bottle caps, twist ties, plastic safety seal rings from 2 liter bottle caps, broken glass from overboard booze bottles that kills the animals, corals, inverts...

Also, wake zones are there for a reason...spirial cut seals or porpoises are not exactly fresh as a Daisy when they wash up on the beach.

What about that god awful oil sludge the cruise ships poo out...ever try and clean that off dive gear? What's that doing to the animals? Nearly ruined my shorty wetsuit on a wall dive in the Caymans with slugde, and on another trip sludge got all over my sea kayak in Ixtapa...what about collection methods of wild caught fish...I sat waiting for a planes arrival in Kenya, the "live animals" box was still there on the tarmac when my connecting flight left 3 hours later....

These aren't the only places I've been; 12,000 feet up on a mountain I found a fast food FOIL wrapper...where did it come from? we hadn't witnessed people other than our expedition team in two weeks! Hadn't eaten fast food in even more time that that.

Oh well, my kids can take care of cleaning up I guess...or maybe we should realize as a society planned obsolescence and crass consumerism is not the answer to life's happiness? Eh probably not...hey! Who want they're meal supersized?! Yummy!

*edit, I was joking about my kids, I plan to never have any of my own (this being one of many reasons why)...though sadly many people think this way, just look around at all the "SUV driving, self absorbed, breeders on the road" I include men in this too, women don't just get pregnant...well, according to some religions one woman did...but, you folks I'm sure grasp my point, it takes two to create, and if you're responsible enough to do that, you should be responsible enough to educate the future generations...and not just expect then to fix the mistakes of those before them.

Just my $0.02...
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