HUUUGE Thanks to Vicki!!

Below Sea Level

Premium Member
Just wanted to say thanks so much Vicki for letting us into your nice home and having our meeting.
Your tanks are very VERY beautiful. Very nicely laid out.
Food was great too!
Yes, THANKS Vickie!

So nice of you to have us and Thank your husband, too for being such a good sport to put up with us all.

Your tanks are beautiful and I really was glad I was able to come, even if I had to leave early.

My husband was happy that I made it back for most of the concert, though so I got the best of both worlds.

Take care and thanks for giving the babies a good home.

yeah Vicki,, thanks for having us!!!!

i really enjoyed looking at your tanks, you've done a terrific job with them!! they were so clean and well lit, made me feel like i needed to go home and do some glass cleaning!!!

oh yeah, thanks for feeding us too. :)
ditto on what everyone said above, me and lauren had a great time! youre have a great eye for aquascaping. youre tanks look very natural. <~~steve
Thank you soooo much Vicki, I really enjoyed the fish,food and fun. I love your tanks(especially the lil' beauty in the computer room). We really appreciate your hospitality and kindness. thanx again...
Thanks to everyone for your kind words. It was lots of fun and I am glad everyone enjoyed themselves and very impressed that no one got lost coming way out here in the "boonies". It was also fun to have everyone see my tanks. I think "Mannie" the mantis really enjoyed the crowd, as I have not seen him since everyone left!

Thanks also to Kathy, Lisa and Richard for the shrooms. They are doing great.
Hey Everyone. Thought I would hijack the thread and add some business.
I didn't do a head count while there (nice house BTW) but I believe we had 23+ members there. A nice turn out at any matter. For those that didn't come Richard demo'd making your own fish food from commercially bought seafood, along with some of the "proper" store brand fish foods. It was proposed that the group consider a possible "food pool" where everyone would contribute to the fresh food preparation, that would then be divided up amongst the contributing members. After giving my little buddies a taste of the fresh stuff I'm all for this. I don't know about anyone elses experience but my fish loved it. I managed to sell some of Gilpin's stuff and wil have to eBay the rest since no interest has been generated on RC even with price drops. The Flame and yelly tang are healthy and ready for adoption, but Tim and I would like to see them go together since they are buddies. You might call them "fishin' " buddies ala Brokeback. I know TBWE has put the kabash on the Brokeback jokes but I had to make that my last one.
Gilpin's estate has generated a little North of $1,000 for Shannon, Dave's widow. I'll be cutting her a check as soon as the rest of his estate is gone, or whenever she wants it. I would like to personally thank everyone for their sympathies and help in this matter. A special thanks to Steve and Lauren for their selfless donations. That is truly going above and beyond.
Mostly whats left are the PH's and the Eclipse. I'm going to take some of the smaller items myself, but the others will be eBay'd later this week.
Some expressed interest in the custom sump I brought Nick. I'm more that happy to customize a sump for anyone. You'll have to give me some forward notice and be prepared to wait 3-4 weeks since I do this in my spare time. Remember, Kermits has sumps available for immediate purchase and members do get their 15% on dry goods, so if you need one soon do not wait on me, go see Dave.
For our next meeting i'd like to toss my hat in as the next host. Weather permitting, we might could discuss working with acrylic and do some hands-on demos.
Thanks everyone and I now return you to your regularly scheduled programing.
Barrett "I got my voice back!" Shumaker
I really wish i could have been there. Sorry I missed out. See you all next time I hope. Quick follow up question. was the prepared foor for fish or corals?